Does WinMX have Spyware?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Kemper1989, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    I thought that it has been proven that WinMX has spyware and such installed in it? is this true? Because this website says it doesn't but I think I disagree?
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Cool. Prove it :)
  3. ICeMaN

    ICeMaN Master Sergeant

    I think that they are gonna deny it whether or not it has spyware... but honestly I don't know. I wouldn't trust any P2P app NOT to have spyware. It may not be included in the software, but that doesn't mean you can't get it as a result of using it. Such risks are the nature of using that kind of software.
  4. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    No no, im trying to get everyone elses opinion on it, whos used it before.
  5. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    even if it does, and I SPYBOT and Adware and Spy Blaster and all those other fancy programs, I should be fine right?
  6. ICeMaN

    ICeMaN Master Sergeant

    I guess... this would be the way to find out :)
  7. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Ok, let me clarify. Used it, and I typically run spyware tools just to see. I have not seen any spyware from it. I thought you ran it and suspected it had spyware, so I said prove it meaning nothing more then if you could show me something we missed, I would be glad to get it off of here. We are pathetic humans, after lal :)
  8. ICeMaN

    ICeMaN Master Sergeant

    I suspected it had spyware... but then again I'm suspicous of most things of that nature ;)
  9. goldfish

    goldfish Lt. Sushi.DC

    I've checked it over with setup file checkers, spybot, the spybot resident shield (i.e. monitors supicious keys/files being added), adaware... and nothing, to show one of my friends that it was spyware free.

    So AFAIK, no spyware.
  10. smokinbls

    smokinbls the title thing is overrated

    i have used it for over 600 downloads and have NOT seen any ad or spyware from it..
    try soul seek that one is ok also, but you have to share with that one or you will be banned. also you need to have a high speed connection no dial ups.
    stay away from kazaa, morphius, bearshare...esp. kazaa.
    if you are looking for full concerts of groups ( that is what i download now ) try live music archive they have 14,000 concerts most in flac. or shn. they have Ogg Vorbis, VBR MP3 and 64Kbps MP3. also .
    to the moderator sorry if that link is not acceptable on this forum
  11. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Im ok with that, its not something we would post or advertise here, which is more my concern, ie taking away hits or business from us :) We only host 2 or 3 file sharing program and even then, simply to offer spyware free alternatives for the Kazaa sucker. They can be found in our Micellaneous section.
  12. Kemper1989

    Kemper1989 Private E-2

    Ya, all my programs do not detect Spyware or Viruses, I would say its safe. I think the only way you could get stuff like that is from downloading something that isn't what you think it is.
    By the way, do you guys like Anti-Vir over Vast? I cant use both because my computer crashes, its ethor one or the other and I'v never gotten a chance to use Vast. Whats your opinions? :)
  13. smokinbls

    smokinbls the title thing is overrated

    just to add to my post, the archive is 100% legal all the bands there have given the OK for you to download . :)
    you will NOT find phish, widespread panic or the dave mathews band there, and many many others. they have all stated that they do not want to use that service right now.

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