Downloading movies from Stagevu

Discussion in 'Software' started by outdoorgal, Jun 7, 2014.

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  1. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major

    I didn't know where to post this, so anyone that has administrative rights here, please move it for me if this isn't the best place? Thanks, Denise

    I wanted to ask you all about a website I found a few months ago, it's called My sister and I fell in love with it because it had so many, great movies, and you don't have to be a member to download, and watch movies (.avi files, and not streaming so you can save the movies if you want).

    So right up front here, I know some of the movies still have got to be copyrighted. But it was hard not to be tempted to watch them because neither her nor I have the money to pay for Netflix etc. Ok, so, I want your honest opinions. I don't understand if this is a pirating site, how do they keep it open. Also, if it's an ok site, is it safe to download those movies?

    I read somewhere that a virus can be disguised as a movie file. I'm sure that's true. Just looking for feedback here. I watch another site and know it is all movies that have "outlived" their copyrights, Someone is thinking that if I "feel" something ain't right, I probably know it isn't right, but I'm hoping I am wrong so we can use stagevu, LOL!!

  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    It is a pirating site. Your best bet is to resist temptation and let it be.
  3. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Probably going to get differing opinions on this subject. It's a complicated issue.

    Is it against the law? I'd say yes, because I have seen sites shut down by the FBI for doing this exact thing. There is just one crack I would say in this open/shut case of piracy. That is that entertainment and the software industries have dragged their feet on the piracy issue. There could have been an answer for the problem 5 or even 8 years ago if MS had pressed for a resolution to the problem. I can think of ways to do this myself, so I can't stand being told they can't think of any way.

    My question is...can the people who have dragged their feet on these issues really be taken seriously to tell anyone not to partake of these things? I mean these are the same people that are behind the times with everything they do. In that light it's kind of hard to feel sorry for them, and, if someone wants to watch a movie every once in awhile, I say fine. I wouldn't even have a problem with someone downloading one honestly.

    Your A-V scans video if it's a good one, but I would beware, in spite of what I said in the last paragraph. These sites can/tend to be some of the more dangerous ones. That's bothersome for sure, and, for me, it sort of takes the debate out of the argument. I haven't visited, but if it has alot of ads and deceptive links, I personally would stay away and try to find another way to have fun. Nonetheless, I think I am well within the boundaries of a reasonable posture on this subject to explain that I find the illegality of watching these movies and so on as hard and fast something not worthy of being taken seriously...
  4. outdoorgal

    outdoorgal Sergeant Major


    Your answer is very intelligent I feel. I can't say I would use SV again, but I hope you will take a look sometime because it doesn't appear to have anything at all, that is invasive. I guess it is to each person's conscience, the bottom line. I like the oldmovietime the best, because it is honest, streams movies from youtube, and I feel nothing on there is still copyrighted. All B movies too, but those are the ones I love most.

    My sister on the other hand, is more inclined to use SV. Maybe I should leave it to her, but she listens to me, at least part times.

    Thanks guys, to both of you, so much, Denise
  5. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire


    I took a look, and I honestly did not see a single thing that would cause me concern. The site seems relatively well defined and the biggest thing is there weren't alot of crazy ads. Those are the dangerous sites.

    Not that I could be 100% sure this is a safe site, but I think that anyone that looked at the front page and then took a few minutes to scan over the content would say it looks legit.

    I noticed the site uses the DivX web player which I think is a required download to watch. I always liked the DivX player, so I would probably like having the web player. Do you recall if you were required to use the DivX player to watch videos here? If so, this might be something to alert your friend to be very wary of in the future. There are other sites which request the same thing with the same or other players but then add malware, etc.

    I really love the old movies too. I'm much more a believer in the movies culture pre-1970 (or so) I would say...
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Ok, no more discussion on pirated streaming movie sites.
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