eager to know me

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by oakland, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. oakland

    oakland Private E-2


    I will speak softly and carry a big stick as they say..brand new in this particular forum, & learning up quickly on things/PC issues posted in here.

    Look forward to dishing out some winxp questions- mostly driver drama,
    alot of Task management / running process issues and whatever else
    drops in my lap, which i will forward here.

    Quickly a first question if anyones reading this...on any of the FILES pages
    every software has a description under it...for example

    Cleanmem - [2008-10-03 | Freeware | 1.70 MB | Win All | 28665 | 4.89 ]
    An unobtrusive way of freeing up memory from processes on a timed basis. From the author of CSFireMonitor.

    are these software descriptions written by Majorgeeks admins/big-wigs..
    or are they written by the individual software creator/company-??

    It makes a monumental difference...who is writting these descriptions..so thanks in advance/

  2. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    hi, welcome to majorgeeks. as for the descriptions....probably a little of both...
  3. oakland

    oakland Private E-2

    Thanks smokingun

    Just my input but doesnt it make more sense to have the software
    descriptions written by Majorgeeks reviewers only.(dedicated)

    Leaves out the self glorification factor.
  4. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    im not exactly sure how things work around here, but I know that people just cant put there own descriptions on by themselves, it has to be put there my the admins here.

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