Edit Post Time Limit

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Ichinzen, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Ichinzen

    Ichinzen Corporal

    Why is there a time limit on editing one's posts? A lot of times when I ask a question I find myself thinking of something literally after I no longer can edit my post wanting to add something new that might help a little or just at the time didn't really think of.

    If major geeks goes from oldest to newest in terms of helping people this 5 minute time window for editing aa post seems, well bad.

    In all honesty posts should remain editable, at least until it is no longer the last post on a topic. After all 5 minutes isn't really a whole lot of time and if you like me and have a not so great internal clock you'll end up rushing to edit your post making mistakes along the way even though in reality you replied seconds ago.

    I guess I really like to take my sweet time when editing a post, and having a five minute time limit really doesn't give me the time to really well relax.

    Now I know what you're probably gonna say to that, and that is to collect your thought before you reply. Thing is I do that plenty of times, but even so I may end up discovering or finding out something, but because of the five mute thing I'll end up having to wait until the next reply so that I don't feel like I'm double posting or wait around 5 -12 days so that again I don't feel like I'm double posting.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Thanks for the question and the simple answer is as in the past and likely now some users will post information and then if they are wrong they would edit this to hide their mistake or make others that follow with correct replies look like they copied, so we added this timeline to show warts and all, the edit time is default to the forum software, yes it could be changed but I dont really wish to go that way for the reason I mentioned. I tend to no post until I have read the text a few times in some instances I actually type things up in Word or Notepad first, one reason for this is the answer may actually be a good one and I can save and keep it for later use again.

    There is no major issue with posting a second post adding info or correcting.
    katkat and Kestrel13! like this.
  3. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    I would suggest if you know your post will be long and you want to check it for errors or change your wording then you might want to type it in Notepad or something similar first then copy and paste it into your post here. That way you can read it and correct it taking as much time as you need.
    Eldon likes this.
  4. Ichinzen

    Ichinzen Corporal

    But I don't see why you can't make it so only the last person who posted on a topic is the only one capable of editing their own post. Especially if it's the person seeking help from the site. Double posting in such cases would only make it so that the time it takes to get any response would be that much longer. It even says to edit your posts as oposed to double posting due to the fact that the site goes from oldest to newest, rather than newest to oldest. Seeing that if it's the OP of the topic who was looking for help to begin with why that can't be a rule that only applies to them or such.
  5. dr.moriarty

    dr.moriarty Malware Super Sleuth Staff Member

    That rule is only for threads in the Malware Removal forum.
  6. Ichinzen

    Ichinzen Corporal

    oh ok then what's the method for other areas newest to oldest? Also why is it different for malware? Is it because you get vastly more malware topics then the other areas?
  7. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    This is what you should do - as katkat suggested.
    If you have to edit your post afterwards, look for a moderator online and send a message to him/her.
  8. Ichinzen

    Ichinzen Corporal

    Yea but now i'm kinda curios why malware is the only one that's different. it's like one of these forums is not like the others one does it backwards
  9. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    It is pretty simple. In the Malware Forum all post are related to Malware and the Malware Experts are there to help with Malware.
    They help in the order request were made.
    In the Software and Hardware Forums topics are about lots of different problems using different operating systems and different software or different hardware and people are helped as soon as someone who can help with a particular problem sees the request and replies. Some people are more knowledgeable in different areas.
    DavidGP, Eldon and satrow like this.

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