enter key not working

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by sradwxi, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. sradwxi

    sradwxi Private First Class

    heres a problem for u
    my sister gave me her laptop, amilo m7400, to see if i could sort it for her, it is constantly restarting
    blue screen is too brief to view the fault,
    i tried to restart in safe, but the enter key is not working
    neither is the down arrow or the f2 key
    so i cant select safe mode to start it up
    there doesnt look to be any liquid damage to the keyboard and although one of the keys are missing
    what do i do?
    i suspect its the keyboard itself at fault here but i dont know for sure, and £30+ is a lot of money for something that could be fine already
    3 options as far as im aware
    1. buy a new keyboard and hope its a hardware issue
    2. find a substitute enter key
    3. plug a usb keyboard into it to run safe mode
    now i dont have a usb keyboard here so is it worth me looking round to find one or am i wasting my time
    im wondering if the system will recognise the usb keyboard from bios
    my main question id love to know is
    is there any other substitute for the enter key
    if there is i can finally get round to sorting the real problems out
    if anyone can help it would be much appreciated
    thanx carl
  2. sradwxi

    sradwxi Private First Class

    well ive made some progress thanx to major attitude
    ive plugged a usb keyboard into it and its proved the keyboard to be faulty
    right, now with the problem
    i f8'ed it and disabled reboot on error
    now i can read the blue screen, it says
    unmountable boot volume (although it takes a whole page to tell me)
    does this mean a complete install or is it just something wrong which can be sorted
    if anyone can help then please advise me

    blue scvreen says:

    then theres a load of standard blue screen stuff and at the bottom theres this bit:

    *** STOP: 0x000ED (0x812A9738,0xC0000006,Ox00000000,0x00000000)
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2007
  3. sradwxi

    sradwxi Private First Class

  4. sradwxi

    sradwxi Private First Class

    yeah i restarted and ran system re overy and chkdsk /r and it cured my blue screen, now i found a load of viruses on the thing
    virtumonde + more
    im gonna follow the vundo thing on here and if i have any problems ill be back in mal

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