Error Loading OS at BIOS(Please help)

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Jdban, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. Jdban

    Jdban Corporal

    Recently, My computer has been acting up. A day ago, it would stop at random parts of the loading process. It took multiple restarts after crashes to get the computer to start up successfully, and even then, it would freeze after a few minutes. I figured that my computer might be overheating, so I opened the case and let it cool for a while. Then it started up fine, and ran for a while. Before I went to sleep, I set up the computer to do a virus scan, then shut down. WHen I woke up, my computer was off, so I turned it on.
    Now, every time I start it up, it says, "primary hard disk 0 not found, primary hard drive 1 not found, secondary hard disk drive 0 not found, and secondary hard disk drive 1 not found" then it moves on to the next screen and says error loading OS.
    When I go into the Bios setup utility, it says, ""primary hard disk 0 unknown device, primary hard drive 1 unknown device, secondary hard disk drive 0 unknown device, and secondary hard disk drive 1 unknown device"

    I am wondering if my motherboard is broken and needs to be replaced, or if there is another solution.
  2. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    I have seen this before on old NEC notebooks. The drivers for the IDE channels would become corrupted, and reloading the OS would solve the problem for a while. As your screen didn't say device not found, reinstalling the OS may give you a temperorary fix, and allow you to use your computer. If it happens again, I would look at the motherboard, but it could also be a hard drive issue. Download your hard drive manufacturers diagnostic tools and test your hard drive to be on the safe side. Hope this helps!:)
  3. Jdban

    Jdban Corporal

    I was wondering if there was any way to fix this other than Reinstalling the OS. I hate doing that, and I do it way too much.
  4. Jdban

    Jdban Corporal

    I unhooked all cables to my hard drives, and still it said primary hard disk 0 not found and so on.

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