Error messages when posting

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Sethanon, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. Sethanon

    Sethanon Private E-2

    In the thread Can not post a new thread
    my point about posting was that I did not get a correct message telling me that my message would be inspected before allowed.

    I can totally understand, and agree with, the procedures to avoid spam and links to malware sites in the forum, but the message I got did not tell me this!!! (as far as I remember.) If I had had a correct message I would not have posted several times (thus I think everyone would gain some if the messages were correct!).

    Before I posted I tried reading all "read this before posting" that I could find (maybe I missed some where this is described?), I did not see any of these rules. For example "How To Post A New Thread Requesting Support" would be a good place for this info (as well as a correct message when hitting "Submit new thread").

    The link I had in my first post was to another thread on majorgeeks, could that not be filtered out as OK? The attachments were the logs that that thread asked me to post.

    I realize there might be reasons for not telling users their messages were blocked (it might help spammers creating spam that goes through). But this is what I would like to add
    * update the message to the user when a post is blocked by the spam filters
    * add info in the "read before posting" threads

    It would have helped me, and decreased the work load for admins!

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    I see your point but this maybe not an option to add with the forum software as it stands now, will look into this though so cheers..... more work comes to the admins more from having to move/lock posts from old threads and more so making sure folk read and follow the malware removal guides... many filtered threads are authorised within an hour or so as we have admins/moderators in nearly all timezones, so someone is always online, but as we do this freely in our own spare time, we cannot get to all filtered posts as quick as we'd like.

    I do see your point as to a message that pops up if your getting a non-authorised post/thread and will see if we can change this...

    We have many sticky threads on how to post and how to ask for help in malware, sadly these sticky threads on the procedures are not always read so one more in the vain of "how to post" will also be ignored by many.... nature of the internet and to an extent due to painic when someone is infected with malware, they want rid of it and just post an inline HJT log over an attached one without reading the sticky Guides on Malware.

    Also while attaching logs its best to always tick the remember me box when logging in again this is a failing of the VB forum soft and not admins, as it has tendency to give you that message when attaching logs.

    We just do our best and its sadly not going to please everyone.
  3. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Its a third party addon and does not give a message. Its a pain for a few, but the end justifies the means in that the spam filter blocks 75% or better of all spam, something that takes too much time.
  4. Sethanon

    Sethanon Private E-2

    Ok, so it might not be possible right now to add an message when the spam filter stops a post. And it might not be possible right now to not filter out links to sites.

    But you could definitely write a few word about the filtering in the 'read before posting' sticky threads, I guess inside the ones below would be the most obvious. At least some people (I ;-) would have read it before posting...

    "How To Post A New Thread Requesting Support"

    "READ & RUN ME FIRST Before Asking for Support"

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