
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by yinyangman, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    Howdy Shmoudy!

    My name is Woo... Don't know what to say really...

    I was born in and live in Essex, UK! Woohoo... And no jokes about Essex, otherwise you will get my Killer Bees from my Wootang hive... That just so happens to be stored here on my profile area thingy :major


    I work for these people if ya interested at all? http://www.hart-stone.co.uk - they are a Granite Worktops manufacturer :kissmy... sorry to be rude! (thought it was appropriate) - heck it is my boss after all :dancer

    I work there as polisher and a sandwich gopher currently!! :zzz:zzz:zzz

    I know I know.... ya falling asleep..

    Well hi anyway!

  2. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    Hi Kestrel, I was beginning to think that know one liked me :D

    Where r u from?

  3. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    p.s. I only do ham and pickle :booger
  4. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    Aha, the midlands eh?

    Regarding the sarnie... I will attach it to my mates torch, so you can see it coming, then I will attch it to our handy catapult that we just so happen to have...

    And the rest...

    Well look out ya window, and when you see a light that smells of pig flying towards you... You will know that pigs do fly...

    And subsequently...

    You will have ya sandwich!

    Cool plan or what :D
  5. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2


    You're funny! ;)
  6. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    So.. what do you do in da midlands?
  7. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    How can you say you are a true lurker (i.e. a non contributor) if ya a student?

    Thats a cool thing to do.. Thats what my Bro is doing! :confused

    I am a mere granite worktop polisher, atleast you are studying... I wish I could go back and do it different? :)
  8. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    So.... Whatcha studying? :yum
  9. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2


    I have told you already I am mere polisher, you can't use complex phrases :cry
  10. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2


    Malware eh :confused

    Is that like clothing for malnourished people :D

    Soooorrry :yum

    Bad joke
  11. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    So, where will you work when you have finished the course?
  12. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    Chill Winston!

    If it don't work, you could always sign up here - http://www.armyjobs.mod.uk/ - I am sure there is a need for malware engineers - They will just tell you that and then when you are in the field, you will have to fight just to stay alive - clever UK Army deception skills :D
  13. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    Heck, you could always join me at Hart-Stone - I could get you a job as a Granite Worktop polisher - we deliver to the midlands area... you seem like quite a spot on person!

  14. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    I am just kidding around, but keep ya head up hi dude! And my Unc was in the RAF Reg... I was just kiddin' around ;)
  15. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    err... u do need transportrolleyes
  16. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2

    No it's cool.... You're funny - atleast you have personality!!!

    Nice chatting... am off to bed!

    Cya :cool
  17. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    i see you have already met kesLOL

    i'l give you a week and you will be joining the rest of us in therapyroflmao
  18. yinyangman

    yinyangman Private E-2


    Yes I have met her..

    And now I have met you :D

    Sorry... had way too much to drink :crap

    Hope ya well anyway ;)

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