Evo N600c

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by computer_geek, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. computer_geek

    computer_geek Private E-2

    I have a Compaq Evo N600c Laptop that has a power on password. I do not know the password to it to get into to the system at all. I have tried taking the battery out of the laptop and leaving it out without any power to it at all over night but that didn't seem to help at all. Does anyone have any ideas on what's going? Please assist.
  2. Kodo


    Taking the battery out will not help. The CMOS is powered by a small (RTC) battery on the motherboard.

    You'll have to disconnect this battery for a few minutes to clear the password or find a jumper on the board that has a CMOS reset label.

    This will require you to open your Laptop's enclosure.

    section 1.3 in the following manual
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2005

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