
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by seashellgal.com, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. seashellgal.com

    seashellgal.com Private E-2

    Hello fellow newbies. :)

    I'm just going to sit and vegetate for a bit. I've been working on my husband's Compaq all night. I've never loathed a maching like I do that bloody desktop.

    *Sticks out tongue at it* My Gateway doesn't behave like this - neither should you. If you don't behave soon, you'll not get that pretty new memory card that's in the closet waiting for you. So there.

    *Blinks - looks around...winces* I was talking to it again. *Sighs* Ok, I'm going to go have some coffee and see if I can remember what sanity is. :rolleyes:
  2. Dcepter1

    Dcepter1 Private E-2

    Rock On!!!:)
  3. infoseeker

    infoseeker Master Sergeant

    feel it!!!! :p
  4. hawklord

    hawklord Master Sergeant

    hi, good luck :eek:

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