Ezonics Webcam Driver

Discussion in 'Software' started by holiday, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. holiday

    holiday Private E-2

    I cannot find an XP driver for my Ezonics Cam iv s120h webcam (as read off the camera). Every Google search I have tried is a wild goose chase and anything I have been able to download isn't compatible with this cam or is a third party program trying to sell me software to help me find the driver. I am frustrated as I would have the driver disc but I was robbed last week and the thief took most of my small tech gadgets including my disc case full of driver software. Please, if you can provide a direct link or a non BS site I can download the driver from for free I would appreciate it very much.
  2. holiday

    holiday Private E-2

    Well as an update to this thread I dug out this old Ezonics web camera and plugged it into my Windows 7 machine and it installed without issue. Kind of nice, now I can video chat with the cute French girl I met last night. :drool
  3. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Hope you didn't meet her at Le Cage a Faux!! :-D:-D
  4. bobohut

    bobohut Private E-2

    Hey, this worked for me. It says it is for the Ezonics iContact Pro 2, but it got my Cam IV working on Skype. The series of ads I had to click "skip" for seemed *endless*, but i did get it in the end. Beware the zip file you get has 2 files... one is some junk "driverupdate" program and the other is the real deal. If it works for you, do me a favor and spread a link to some other forum where people are looking for the cam iv driver. I don't have time to post everywhere...

  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    cheers for the link, and I agree you have to jump through hoops at that site, but in Post #2 you man note that the Original Poster has this fixed already, seems a re-plug into Windows 7 and the Windows Driver cab or site has the driver.
  6. bobohut

    bobohut Private E-2

    Well, I hope the link will help some other XP user out there. Every single forum I went to looking for the driver for the Ezonics Cam IV had links in them that didn't work or led through some ad loop or something. Once I got one that worked, I wanted to share the info, and this is the first forum that I found in a quick google search.

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