Files erased

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Jntler, May 4, 2008.

  1. Jntler

    Jntler Private E-2

    Hi there,

    I run Windows XP sp2 on a T42, an old company laptop I was given when I left a company. I was overzealous in wanting to clean up my drive. I used ERASER and obviously erased a bunch of files I shouldn't have. Bottom line is that many of my settings are gone. Prior to using ERASER I had downloaded and used CCleaner, Advance Windows Care V2, iObit defrag, nCleaner, Recuva, and Undelete Plus. I used Recuva to identify (or I thought) files that I wanted to delete, I used ERASER to erase them all. Since then I can no longer use any of the freeware downloaded (except CCleaner). The message is always the same: I do not have Administrator's rights to use the program. It is the same with many tasks like checking the User Accounts (it defaults to the Administrator username and is asking for the password that of course I don't have). I am not able to download any more software from majorgeeks. Every time I open IE it takes me to the "new settings" page. I set it up but it doesn't save anything apparently.

    I am a little bit at a loss and don't know where to go next. I do not have a backup of my system. I have tried the system restore to go back to a previous check point but it won't let me do that either. It won't let me use PC Doctor (because of lack of admin rights).

    Anyway, any help, if still possible will be appreciated.
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    I see you have posted in the software forum, someone should be able to advise you in there.

    Good Luck..
  3. Jntler

    Jntler Private E-2

    Thank you!

    Yes, reading further I thought it belonged there. I will wait for suggestions that I am sure will come.

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