Files keep getting disorganized

Discussion in 'Software' started by xhayatox, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. xhayatox

    xhayatox Private First Class

    I'm having a problem with something on my computer.

    As you can see, this is my "My Documents" folder. Here is how it looks. Very neat and color organized right?


    Now, whenever I leave the folder and come back, THIS HAPPENS!


    As you can see, it gets all screwed up again. Please tell me how I can make this stop happening? I want it to remain the way it was. Neatly and organized. Yet when I come back, it's messed up again and again.
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    While browsing folders in the Computer folder, you can apply the current view setting to all folders on your computer that are optimized for the same content as the folder you have open. For instance, the My Pictures folder is optimized for picture files. If you open this folder and change the view to Large Icons, you can apply the Large Icons view to every folder that's optimized for pictures. (This setting does not apply when viewing files and folders using libraries.)

    Open a folder, click the arrow next to the Views button on the toolbar, and choose a view setting. This is in the top right area.

    On the toolbar, click Organize, and then click Folder and search options. This is in the top left area.

    In the Folder Options dialog box, click the View tab, click Apply to Folders, click Yes, and then click OK.

    To change the type of file that a folder is optimized for, right-click the folder, click Properties, click the Customize tab, click a file type in the Optimize this folder for list, and then click OK.
  3. xhayatox

    xhayatox Private First Class

    It didn't work. I tried. The files still remain disorganized. I want them to stay color organized like they were in the first picture, but it just doesn't seem to work. Please help..
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Right click a blank spot and select group by. What is selected?

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