Finally! ... and hello!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by duckfeet, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    I've been around the block a while, I guess, and I'm pretty entrenched in linux, and fiddling with that, and spend much time on linux forums, but have a young friend, new to computers, who said he and his girlfriend w/XP had problems w/their antivirus, or something, and would I take a look...well, they had just paid around a hundred bucks to that trojan scam outfit "antivirus 2008" and of course, thinking they were doing the right thing, clicked on the icons, and inundated their computer with all kinds of crap, not to mention being out the money....

    Called the credit card company, and they will be reimbursed, and I have been trying to remove the trojans, and plugging away w/spybot, adaware, revo and other things, but I think it's still there, so I was looking online, and found tons of scams, and finally came to this place, from a tip from a computer techie, so I'll post the right questions in the appropriate forum on here, just wanted to say hi, and that it was a relief to find a place that wasn't going to just make the problem worse, as we all know that there are scam artists just that do nothing but prey on newbies looking for help, who are already in trouble, and don't need another scam on top of this one....

    Thanks everybody, great site....
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's.

    Sorry to hear about your friends troubles:(

    But you have come to the right place.
    The malware guys here are the best around.

    First you need to go through all the steps here >>> READ & RUN ME FIRST

    Then you need to start a NEW thread in the malware forum.

    Dont forget to attach the logs of the scans in your post.

    Good Luck.

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