Firstly thank you from a noob

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by disjointed, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. disjointed

    disjointed Private E-2

    I do have some p.c. ability... I know where the on button is :)

    I was weary to be honest going onto a geek forum thinking will someone see me vunerable and do something to my p.c. however a friend regulary visits your site and says it's fulla good people so here goes.

    I have xp and use norton 2008 as main and spybot, ad-aware, cc cleaner and reevo un-installer as back up's/regular assist's.

    I update all regulary at least a few times a week and run scans/operations almost daily.

    But something got through and I cannot remove it... Downloader.Diliv

    Norton finds it but is unable to remove it and I am not too p.c. clued up to remove it. I contacted symantec who said yes thier tech guys could remove it remotely for £69.99 ? this was ontop of what I paid for norton, some sites say this download diliv originates from symantec themselves.

    Anyway I am aware that whilst Norton is blocking it sending stuff out it may be still collecting personal data to send out.

    How do I remove/destroy the pesky lil bugga.

    Please remember I have only basic knowledge lol

    Many Thanks in advance
  2. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    If you go through our malware removal procedure and post the results in the MALWARE REMOVAL forum you will get the help of the top malware fighters who will assist you in getting back control of your PC.
  3. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's.
    You will find a lot of people here that have ditched norton.

    The read & run me guide can look a bit daunting at first.

    But just take your time going through it and you should be fine.
    The malware experts will be happy to help with any questions you have.

    Good luck.
  5. disjointed

    disjointed Private E-2

    Firstly thank you all for the input

    Peculiar thing I've tried Avira? which noticed the download.diliv and it removed it run another scan on avira and Download.Diliv wasn't there hooray


    Run another full scan on Norton's still there

    So my question is now would it be likely avira removed it if so it appears that Download.Diliv did originate from norton and they are trying to charge me to remove something they put in, if thats the case I am sure thats not quite allowed?

    what say you?
  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    First, you should not be running two anti-virus programs.

    Second, you need to do this: READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide

    and then post in the malware forum and attach the logs from doing the above. :)
  7. DMB1124

    DMB1124 Private E-2

    Hi disjointed,

    Im not very good with computers either, but the "READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide" really works and the guys over at the Malware section are great! It can be a bit daunting but it sure does the job, and even if it fails to do the job the experts here will help you out.

    I have had a problem with my computer for a while and I ran the removal guide and it really worked, but I got this other problem and ppl here are helping me out with it right now.

    I have to say their response time is unbelievable, you'll never get this kind of technical service anywhere let alone free of charge.

    Thx guys!! keep up the great work!:)
  8. bradsweb

    bradsweb Private E-2

    Re: Downloader.Diliv

    Like "Disjointed" below, my Norton Antivirus detected but could not remove "Downloader.Diliv", and Norton wanted £69.99 to remove something which I would have expected them to prevent infecting my PC in the first place. I declined on principle, told them I would not be renewing my subscription when it expires, and started Googling the Trojan's name.

    As a result, I came across this forum and set about the "Read & Run Me Guide". My sincere thanks to its author (TimW?) for all the time and effort put into its research and preparation. It was detailed, accurate, easy to follow and I now have what must be the cleanest PC in South Wales! I'm not sure which of the 5 tools did the trick, but a subsequent scan with Norton Antivirus shows "Downloader.Diliv" to have disappeared!

    Cheers from a Silver Surfer!

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