Forum naming suggestion

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by smilinggeek, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. smilinggeek

    smilinggeek Private E-2

    Suggestions and thoughts to, in my opinion, improve correctness and reduce potential confusion:

    1) Rename "Software" to "Microsoft", to match the pattern of "Mac" and "Linux" forums and reduce potential confusion.

    As it stands, it makes it sound like all software is and should be Microsoft based or Microsoft dependent by default. I have some philosophical, ethical and professional issues with that attitude.

    2) Then maybe create an "Applications" forum to discuss multi-platform application issues, although admittedly I'm not seeing too much of that right now. Then again, maybe if you build it they will come? Nah, that only works in movies.

    3) Might also want to rename "Linux" to "Linux/BSD/Unix" to gather together a wider group. There is, after all, more than just just Linux out there.


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