Free software for creating greeting cards?

Discussion in 'Software' started by frybo30, Jan 15, 2006.

  1. frybo30

    frybo30 Master Sergeant

    When in doubt, go to MajorGeeks. As you can see by my signature, I'm a big fan of freebies. So, are there free software programs out there in cyberspace that I can download for creating printable greeting cards? My old Windows 98 came with Greetings Workshop, and I guess Win XP Pro has a freebie, but I can't find one in my XP MediaCenter, which I understand is XP Home with an extra layer for media stuff. Thanks.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Could try this Frybo PagePlus SE - Desktop Publishing as it does greeting gards, plus has a large amount of template downloadable......... oh and its FREE :)

    note: you do need to register this software.

    Serif have a nice collection of freebie software, admittidly its their older versions but they work.
  3. eclayton

    eclayton Sgt. Shorts-cough

    Maybe you should change your name to "freebo"! :D
    I love free too. Not just because it's free, but because it seems that a lot of those free programs are made by folks who just want to put out a good product. I've never donated to any, but I think I ought to. I sure appreciate these free apps too.
  4. frybo30

    frybo30 Master Sergeant

    Thanks, Halo. That seems to be what I'm looking for. I didn't even know what to call it in a search. Now I know it's Desktop Publishing.
    And thanks to eclayton, too, for the list of freebies. I already have Spybot and ccleaner!

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