FRUSTRATED! Malware, virus, spy, and more

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ktkahnt, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. ktkahnt

    ktkahnt Private E-2

    Hi, hope we can find a way to fix this... we tries going thorugh the step by step process for deleting and finding the culprits and no luck, many things were removed- but still wasn't able to even log on to the internet and or any programs will not open.:(
    I almost went to reformat the whole darn thing and got this error
    71m1o834.exe - so I wasn't even able to blow away the computer. I would much rather fix and save many things on the hard drive , but if it is my last resort... Please help if you have ever seen this error!:cry
  2. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Please follow the instructions in the below link and attach the requested logs when you finish these instructions.

    • If something does not run, write down the info to explain to us later but keep on going.
    • Do not assume that because one step does not work that they all will not.
    READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide

    1. If you run into problems trying to run the READ & RUN ME or any of the scans in normal boot mode, You can try running steps in safe boot mode but make sure you tell us what you did later when you post logs. See the below if you do not know how to boot in safe mode:
    2. If you have problems downloading on the problem PC, download the tools on another PC and burn to a CD. Then copy them to the problem PC. You will have to skip getting updates if (and only if) your internet connection does not work. Yes you could use a flash drive too but flash drives are writeable and infections can spread to them.

    Plus a guide on HOW TO: Attach Items To Your Post

    * MAKE SURE you attach your logs into a NEW post in malware removal section, not here in the welcome center :)
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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