Fujitsu B serious life book OS issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by One to Remember, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. One to Remember

    One to Remember Private E-2

    I have an older Fujitsu b serious life book touch screen laptop I been having issues with for 2 years. I am getting the nt ldr error message. The last activities I had involved an anti virus malware program causing my internet browser to keep popping up over and over again until the screen flooded. It most likely deleted start up programs or other things. That's whatever. The issue is the computer uses some type of smaller floppy disk or something, doesn't have a cd drive and I have heard an external cd drive can not be used on a computer this old to reboot windows. I am not completely sure. Another issue is the connector cable for the hd to the motherboard gets torn easily because the cover is missing so I have to order a new one but even when I ordered the new one before it didn't help but I wont be able to really test the methods you guys are giving me at the moment until the new cable gets here. I want to upgrade the bios and everything on this computer if its doable w/o that floppy disk. the computer was made in like 2001, ill get more model information for you guys soon.
  2. One to Remember

    One to Remember Private E-2

    no onehas any idea?

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