Generic Host Process for Win32 Service

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by TidaGuy, Dec 18, 2006.

  1. TidaGuy

    TidaGuy Private E-2

    I'm having a dilemma with my XP in that the firewall (I have ZoneAlarm) continually... and I'm talking continually, as in as many as 500 times when I'm away for several hours, blocks a process known as "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services". The entire message reads as follows: "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services was blocked from accepting a connection from the internet"... followed by the IP address and the Port(s). I've opened ZoneAlarm and found nothing pertaining to this in the Inbound Protection (shows zero access attempts). I connect to the internet via wireless modem which receives its signal from a main computer in the house. I have no problems gaining access to the internet, but the pop-up messages persist... and persist. Any suggestions would be of great assistance. Any additional info needed, just let me know as well. Thanks in advance!

    Moderator: If posted in the wrong forum, feel free to relocate.
  2. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    You can click "more information" to get more info on this prompt. In most cases it's ok to allow access as this is a legit part of WinXP.
  3. TidaGuy

    TidaGuy Private E-2

    Thanks for the reply. The problem with that however is that there is no "more information" button to click, which seemed kind of odd to me... just a pop-up with the info I detailed in my original post. I'd love to have more info on that, but none is available.
  4. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    In most cases it's ok to allow and check "remember" so it doesn't come up anymore.

    Have you ran any virus scans to be sure you're clean?
  5. TidaGuy

    TidaGuy Private E-2

    Yeah, AVG is on auto every morning and the history showed nothing, as did all my spyware scans. I'll continue to monitor this just to make sure it doesn't snowball into something more serious, but for the moment it seems ok. As always, thanks for the replies! (thumbs-up emoticon followed by a "thank you" wink, throw a smile in there too...)
  6. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Not a problem!:)

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