Gimp: Problems W/ Resizing

Discussion in 'Software' started by HarryPotter, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Hi! A long time ago, I took screenshots of some old games on emulators. I have them online if anyone is interested. I now have some new screenshots to turn into wallpaper and tried using GIMP to do it. Now, I opened one such file and created a new file to port it, but when I tried to resize the image, the extra information that flows out of the crop disappears. :( How do I fix this? BTW, I'll try it again.
  2. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I am at the point where I can move the source image to the top-left of the window while cropping off the border, but, when I resize the image, it resizes in every direction, not just down and right. BTW, I want to keep the aspect ratio of the original image.

    BTW, I also want to create boot screens of some old games for Win98SE. The old computer in question has a screen resolution of 320x200 without the border, and Win98 boot screens are at a resolution of 320x400, so I'd have to scale them to double the y resolution but keep X. Can I do that?
  3. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Also, when I'm resizing, I seem to be increasing the size of the window rather than the size of the picture I'm resizing. Maybe I'm using the wrong tool. :( How do I resize a section of an image?
  4. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    i have never tried to do what you are trying to do.
    the only program i have ever used to resize images is irfanview
    and, iirc [sort of thing] irfan has has a myriad of options for resizing.
    you would have to check it out, but it might just do what you want.
    good luck with it.
  5. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Thank you. I have IrfanView. :)
  6. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I'm just wondering why GIMP doesn't do exactly what I need it to do with resizing when it seems to support everything else I may want.
  7. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    IrfanView seems to be mostly a picture viewer. The main problem I'm having with GIMP is that I need to not only resize the picture but crop and align the picture. GIMP seems to, when I resize an image, either resize it in all directions when I want to align the top-left corner to be aligned to the destination or resize the whole destination picture. The source pictures were captured from emulators of old systems, and I want to remove at least most of the border and, when targeting wide-screen, maybe some of the score board to minimize horizontal borders.
  8. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    What can't you do? Here is cropping and resizing.
  9. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Well...When I try to resize the image, I want to resize it right and down. GIMP seems to resize it left and up as well. :( I just want it resized right and down as I want to align the top-left of the source image without the border to the top-left of the target image.
  10. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    I've never heard of resizing right or left, resizing usually scales the image to a size, not a direction. If you turn off the scaling lock, you could skew the image.
  11. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I want to resize both right and down. However, when I try that, GIMP also resizes left and up. Also, I want to keep the scaling lock when I resize the image, because, as you said, doing otherwise would skew the image.
  12. Wenchie

    Wenchie I R teh brat

    When you say resize, do you mean Crop? Asking for clarification.

    Resize: upload_2024-9-12_9-11-18.png
    Crop: upload_2024-9-12_9-13-22.png

    The directionality of the resize is what prompts me to ask, is that simply the direction you're expecting the image to move once it's resized?
  13. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I mean resize and crop. First, I want to resize the image while cropping off the border then possibly do some more cropping as necessary. The cropping is first the removal of the border then maybe some unimportant part of the picture such as the score board if necessary, because I'm editing screenshots of some old 8- and 16-bit games and converting them to Windows wallpaper, and one of the target resolutions is for wide-screen monitors.
  14. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    I just updated GIMP and am still having the same problems: resizing works in all directions, and after resizing, he picture appears smaller as if I was resizing the whole new picture rather than just the picture I'm trying to resize. I really want those new wallpaper. BTW, if anybody here is interested, I have some C64 and NES game scenes as Windows wallpaper online, and I'm willing to provide a link. IIRC, I think I used an earlier version of GIMP on them, one that worked. :)
  15. HarryPotter

    HarryPotter MajorGeek

    Uhh...does anybody here have any recommendations for a good alternative to GIMP? I really want to make out some more wallpapers. :)

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