
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Napper, Oct 22, 2006.

  1. Napper

    Napper Private E-2

    Good evening, all.

    I'm trying to download the relatively new photo editing program, "GIMP."
    I'm using Windows XP Prof. on a 6-month old HP.

    There are numerous sites that offer this program. All three of them that I've tried get so technical in their instructions that I cannot follow them correctly. I've gotten as far as downloading zippered files onto desktop, but then when I try to open and install, I get error messages that say I've downloaded a version that is for older operating systems than mine.

    THIS is where I get crosseyed and brainfried because I THOUGHT I was following the instructions perfectly well to get the versions that are for the newer operating systems!

    I need step-by-step instructions--for any one of the sites offering GIMP; I don't care which one.

    Can anyone help me?

  2. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

  3. nitecrawler

    nitecrawler Guest

    Welcome to MG Napper!
  4. Napper

    Napper Private E-2

    To Toni 1947 and nitecrawler:

    Wow, you guys are all pretty darn friendly on this site. And to think I'm going all the way around the world from Iowa (was it Iowa, I think, Toni?) to Australia!!! That just knocks my socks off, as my mother used to say. (She was born in 1907...)

    Toni, I tried the website you suggested, and that's one of the ones whose instructions I've had trouble following. Just can't make it work. Just not computer-savvy enough for their technical explanations.

    I've just received some instructions for GIMP from a family member. I'm going to try that, then I'll let you all know how it works.

    And by the way--it wasn't until I opened up your messages that I realized I could put in any biographical data on this site! Obviously, I've got a learning to do to get along on MajorGeeks Support Forum. But that's what I'm here for!

    Thanks so much for responding to me.

    (P.S.: How about a quick detail on how to change my usename? The one I really wanted is taken, so I chose Napper for personal reasons. But I've got a bunch of other possibilities I'd much rather use.)
  5. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)
  6. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    I just tried to install the GIMP and man...what a pain in the a$$!!!
    After much hassle, I got it installed, but it couldn't recognize any normal file types and starting a new project it couldn't use any of it's plug-ins and trying to save my project in a format other than it's own was impossible! I have no idea what I did wrong, but that was a disaster!
    I uninstalled it with glee!!!

    May I suggest THIS program? I use the Full version, but this FREE version is really nice and EASY to use!
    Graphics | Ultimate Paint LE 2.88
  7. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    I use the gimp along with other programs and actually like it, although I don't use it to its full potential. The latest stable version for Windows is 2.2.13 and requires the GTK+ runtime libraries to be installed first, and this is a seperate download.

    I checked the link in MG's download section and it is for 2.3.12, and I thought that it was a typo, so downloaded it to check. This zipped file is almost twice the size of the one that I'm using and is indeed labeled 2.3.12, although 2.2.13 is listed as being the stable version for Windows on gimp's site. Any thoughts on this Major Attitude?:)
  8. Napper

    Napper Private E-2

    To Everyone who has responded to my questions about GIMP (which I can't get the "Title" to print in solid caps as it is supposed to appear).

    Thanks so much for all your efforts on my behalf.

    A Geek relativefriend of mine came through yesterday afternoon with a step-by-step set of instructions for me including the links to click on in the right order. I haven't actually used GIMP yet, but I do now have it. Although I couldn't tell you exactly what I did to get it other than follow along with each step that my friend sent to me.

    Thanks again for all your responses.

  9. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Is that different from the one that came with my XP? Mine says version 5.1.
  10. Napper

    Napper Private E-2

    Dear Darlene 1029;

    My version of GIMP is 2.2.13.

  11. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    I'm sorry, I was referring to paint, never heard of GIMP. Have a hard enough time using what I already have, LOL
  12. GeofTech

    GeofTech Private E-2

    I have used GIMP for a couple of years and yes you are right you can get it from many sites because it is open source software. The site I use is http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html because I know it works. Just down load the GTK+ in the version that corresponds to your OS and install it. Then download the GIMP and install it second.

    I would also recommend downloading the help files because the program is as complex as Photo Shop.

    Good luck with the program.

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