Going Crazy...

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Clueless&Desperate, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. Clueless&Desperate

    Clueless&Desperate Private E-2

    We'll I'm here because I'm ready to give up.:rolleyes: ..I have three computers that have all slowly died and now my desktop has some sort of virus infestation. I've been working at this for three days and my virus scans are to no avail. What's the point on paying for the service if it doesn't work? Hopefully someone can help me here before I totally give up on technology and move to the woods in my tent....lol.
  2. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

  3. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Also, if infected frequently, it can be a good idea to take a twofold approach.

    First, keep backup of your important files, either on CD, DVD, a second or external hard drive. This allows you to always keep important data safe. From there, you can restore a computer using the restore CD, or create your own.

    Second, being protected with extras from the get go. Heres stuff I would have as basics on a new install:

    Anti-virus software:
    Windows Firewall on, otherwise:
    Spyware Blaster, install, update, appply all protection:
    Ad-Aware for regular scans:
    McAfee Site Advisor: (The sites they call safe or unsafe is pretty darn accurate, though readers opinions tend to be hit and miss due to lack of knowledge. Either way, a simple red, yellow or green color tells you if a site is safe or not.)
    SpamFighter (for email)

    Keep in mind, with 3 infected machines, someone is doing something wrong, even if they dont know it. My machine, and my wifes, are on 16 hours a day and I cant even get infected when I try. I have a set of basic rules I tend to follow:

    - Never type in a web address. A typo could lead you to a "hijacked page" looking for you to make that mistake. If your unsure, most search engine will correct misspellings, so type in what you want on a trusted search engine. And use your bookmarks.
    - Go to websites you trust. Because a website says they are spyware free, does not mean they are. Anyone can promise that. Think about what happens if you get infected. Did they promise you money? A new car? Nope, just a promise. An empty one. I have found (with the exceptions of maybe Blogs, which I rarely visit) that the longer a domain name is (or the more subdomains it has, ie; website.website.website.com) the more likely is a crap site. Sure, thats pretty generic, and not always true, but it might make some dangerous sites stand out more.
    - There is no such thing as free porn. If there was, I would'nt have time for this.
    - Downloading copyrighted programs eventually costs you as well. MP3, movies, games and apps. Viruses and trojans are planted there, so just stay away.
    - Never open email attachments. If it is a friend you trust, it's safe if they tell you it is coming and to look for it. Your assuming your friend has never been compromised and has not gotten your email now added to a spammers list, for example. Same goes with clicking links in email. This also saves you from phishing schemes (where an address and website LOOK like your bank, but are not)

    Hope that helps you some. Your right, spyware removal is 3+ hours nowadays, thats why I keep an image to restore, just in case. You might want to check out our must have free downloads sometime:
  4. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    My 16 year old boy has taught me a lot about removing spyware and viruses, all of it unwilling on my part. That and he can't be trusted when left alone with a computer.

    I'm a big fan of AVG free, HighJack This, and Spy Sweeper by Webroot. The latter is purely commercial, but can be bought online, or from Walmarts, Staples, Office Max, etc.

    Another forum that might be helpful is Spyware Warriors.
    This was where I got my start when I first realized I was having a problem with my kid.

    Now for the one real piece of sage advice I can honestly give. When you KNOW you have something in your machine, if at all possible do the scans for the various antivirus/spyware in the computers safe mode. A lot of these programs like to hide, and reducing the amount of stuff running in the background gives you an advantage. I've had one nasty that disabled AVG's ability to update, but it was caught by Spy Scanner and cleaned. It really is a war out there.
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    True. Spyware Warrior has a great list of rogue programs, we sometimes refer to them before testing a program.

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