Going Forward...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Cooper, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    I don't intend to stick around on forums too much longer. A lot of them just aren't active that much any more, for a start. Unfortunately, some of the zealots on these gaming related ones aren't very bright sparks, so I found posting or replying was becoming kind of pointless.

    Furthermore, I requested that my acting wiki pages be purged, because they were basically serving as a bullseye for a certain idiot. I therefore just thought, sod it. I obviously cannot remove IMDb related stuff, as that's more set in stone. I have been aiming to adjust how I do things online, and 'transition' more into a veteran who helps folk more so behind the scenes. It's because message boards and all that are too public, so posting on them attracts odd people who then do not take a hint.

    If I find I don't get credited in a movie going forward, I won't even be talking about it any longer or placing information online. I don't want weirdos messaging the staff who work or previously worked on these films, to spread rubbish about me, or so on and so forth. So only myself and specific people I know personally will know about my life.
  2. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    Pretty dramatic post, especially considering the tags. You alright?
    Cooper likes this.
  3. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    No. Not really. :D

    I get stressed out sometimes; I have struggled to accept when something cannot be changed, and it's unlikely to be resolved. But it's no less annoying.
  4. fleppen

    fleppen Gumshoe

    Try yoga. Or sports or something. Anything physical to get your mind off the unpleasantries.
    Cooper likes this.
  5. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    I hope you’re ok SCT Guy.
    I understand what you mean re certain forums can be toxic towards those who’s only wish is to help people. I’ve had my fair share of other users criticising my help even after the post has helped the op. I put this down to sour grapes on their part. I don’t mind constructive criticism but most often the comments aren’t helping me improve.
    Cooper likes this.
  6. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Thanks, Goddess.

    I think the NHS have advised my mum to end her dialysis, as her health issues have worsened. I was down today to see her, and I noticed she didn't feel like eating. I think she has developed fluid on her lungs. That's not good.

    My sister thought about asking the staff tomorrow if it will be drained with a needle. Surely they can't leave her in this state.
  7. Goddess Bastet

    Goddess Bastet First Sergeant

    Hopefully they can keep her comfortable. The fluid should be drained.
    Cooper likes this.
  8. joffa

    joffa Major Geek's Official Birthday Announcer

    Sorry to hear of your mum's condition....it definitely sounds very serious :-(
    My mum passed late last year and she was having one litre of fluid drained from her right lung every day at first by needle. Not good. After two weeks of daily draining with the needle, the doctors put a permanent drain through her back into her right lung and this worked for about 5 weeks but eventually her left lung also started to fill up. Sadly she passed away about 3 weeks later and the official cause was pneumonia.
    Her diagnosis was an aggressive 150mm cancer mass in her right lung, a 50mm cancerous growth in her lymph gland that partially blocked her throat and a 50mm cancerous growth on her liver and all of them inoperable as she was 93yo and too frail.

    Just thought I would mention this so you can prepare for the worst as when things like this happen it is definitely not too good. In mum's case this was all totally unexpected as she only went into hospital to get checked for being a bit light headed and unsteady on her feet and difficulty swallowing but otherwise reasonably fit and well. Once all the pathology was done there was no good news for us or my mum and we were informed of how serious her problems were and that she would not be going home again. It was heart breaking news for the family.
    The palliative care people here (Australia) were sensational and you should talk to them if you get that opportunity as they have quite a different perspective on life and death and their words really made me rethink what was going on in my life, my attitude to my mum's situation, my attitude to mum's care and even my own approaching mortality (I am terminally ill) and this really helped me get through a most difficult and sad time in my life.
    Mum's care was very good, thoughtful and caring people ensuring she was as comfortable as her situation allowed and that she was in no pain and free of any anxiety or worry with some good meds. Mum chose to remain conscious right to the end and was conversing normally with us right up to the last 4 days where she was just too exhausted to stay awake for more than 10 minutes at a time and was starting to have trouble speaking.
    After talking with the palliative care people over many days, I now see mum's passing as a relief and a final release for mum and a last reward for a life well lived and now we just celebrate and remember all the good times that was her life.

    I really hope things go well for you and your mum and although sad for you and others still living it might be a relief for your mum in these circumstances.......it won't be an easy time and you will have to stay strong.......God speed

    All the best
    Cooper likes this.
  9. Cooper

    Cooper Mr Cooper

    Thanks for the support.


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