Good evening everyone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by BurntLady, May 8, 2007.

  1. BurntLady

    BurntLady Private E-2

    I am very pleased to have found this support forum, although I was a teacher for 25 years I am still very much a junior when it comes to computers and the internet.
    I have taught children of age groups from 5 years old to 8 years old and found them all perfect angels with a little devil hidden in each of them, which is how children should be I feel. When I retired 2 years ago I found myself needing to fill my empty days when my grandchildren were not around. Sadly I have found many areas of the internet very confusing and more still quite disturbing.
    I hope to be able to get some advice from you terribly clever people here, advice I quite badly need to acquire. I am not so sure where I should ask my questions here, this site is so very complex. Perhaps you would not mind me asking one of my questions right here and now, I am sure you would not mind too much my dears.
    Some friends and I were running an art and crafts forum but we were gettings swamped with rather rude and disturbing spam I believe it is called. My dear sweet friend Betty was so disturbed by those goings on that she chose to close down the forum and start a new one, all nice and fresh like a nice spring day. Betty is worried that the people who were posting rather dirty images on our old forum will be able to find her new forum.
    You see, Betty bless her heart has started a new forum using the same 'servers' I think the term is. Now my dears, can you tell me quite simply, can these terrible people find Bettys new forum even though she has created a new domain I believe it is called on her servers and is running our new forum from this new domain.
    I apologise if I have not used the correct 'jargon', please be gentle with me my dears, this lady is a little fragile.
    Well, it was lovely being able to give you all a little chat, I do hope some of you will answer my questions as time goes by.
    Bless you all, Marg.
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Welcome to MajorGeeks, BurntLady.:wave
    You might not want to say that too often around here,some of the heads (including mine)won't fit through the door anymore.;)
    As far as your spam question goes, try posting it in the Networking forum or possibly Software . That way more people will view it.
    This link is for Networking:
    This one for Software:
    Near the top left of the page will be New Thread. Click it and ask away:)
  3. BurntLady

    BurntLady Private E-2

    Why thank you kind sir, I shall do just that before I totter of to my bed.
  4. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Hi and Welcome ;)
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome to MG's...
  6. brksta

    brksta Corporal

    A big HELLO and Welcome to MG'S:major :)

    Alwayz Brksta

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