Google Search Results Disappear After 1 Second

Discussion in 'Software' started by Wisewiz, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    This was a VERY widespread problem a few years ago, and I don't find a satisfactory solution to it anywhere in the old discussions. I run a Google search and the results window shows (full of results) for about a second, then goes blank. If I hit F5 to refresh, the search runs again (but not so fast) and the results page appears. OR, when the blank screen shows, I can hit the back arrow and then the forward arrow and the results page shows immediately.

    Clean Windows 7 SP1 machine, Chrome browser (the behaviour doesn't occur if I run a Google search in Firefox), all updates.

    Anybody know why this is happening all of a sudden and what I can do about it?
  2. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire


    Noticed the same thing. I think you are referring to the auto search that happens while you type. What I noticed was that if you stop typing, especially after a space in the text, the page will go blank. I feel this must be a Google bug rather than a browser one.

    I just try to keep the searches as short as possible and then try to never stop typing after a space.

    EDIT: This is in Firefox for me, and I just looked. Seems I have to hit on a "hot topic" (something prominent on the net) for auto search to happen, or then I have to hit the enter key on the keyboard...
  3. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    I wasn't clear enough. I use the New Tab opening page in Chrome, with the 8 thumbnails of frequently visited sites and a central Search Bar. When I type the first letter of my search topic, the text jumps from the Google SEarch bar to the omnibox. All good so far, and as designed. But when I finish typing my search topic and hit Enter, the results page flashes for less than a second, and goes blank. I have a large white page with nothing on it from my toolbar down to my taskbar. I can bring up the search results page several ways. Easiest is to just hit the search magnifying-glass icon. But I shouldn't have to do anything to see the search results display.

    As I said in the OP, many, many people had this problem back in about 2013-14, and no working solution emerged. I think Google must have fixed it, because new posts about the disappearing results stopped appearing. Now I'm seeing them again, dated in 2015.

    A Google tech suggested a history-file fix in 2013, and the same fix has been suggested this year, but this can't work if the user has multiple computers synced to his Google account. Any local machine file deletion or renaming just gets repaired from the Google account the next time Chrome is opened. In any case, the fix seems to have failed for most if not all users.

    Open Chrome in New Tab page. Display is as expected. Start a search in Google bar. Search jumps to omnibox. Finish typing and press Enter. Search executes and flashes results for an instant, then page goes blank.

    Questions about incognito settings (I don't use them) or opening in a plain Google page instead of the New Tab page are irrelevant. The behaviour I'm seeing is not supposed to be seen, ever. There is a problem, and the nice thing about problems is that most of them have solutions. I'm looking for one.
  4. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire

    OK...I think I have seen this before. For me in Firefox, I will type a couple of words like say "blue boat". At that point I will see "auto" results. However, If I continue typing, even a space, the results will disappear. Also, if I backspace after typing the space, the results will not appear again. I could continue to a third word, and I would see search results again many times but not every time. The results likely wouldn't appear until after the third word was completed, however.

    The weird thing is that not all searches return "auto" results at all. Usually the short ones do, but then three or four words searches for me again in Firefox typically require me to click on the magnifying glass...

    With the Google auto search, the whole thing seems buggy. I feel like it gets in my way half the time, but so far it hasn't gotten to me so to speak...

    Anyway, sounds like your issue may be related somehow. Good luck with a resolution...
  5. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Capture1.JPG Capture2.JPG Maybe related, but quite different in nature. Attached Capture1.jpg is what I expect to get after I hit Enter for any search. Capture2.jpg is what I get until I either click the magnifying glass or click the back arrow and then the forward arrow. We're not talking about drop-down suggestions or some suggested results shown before you even get finished typing your search subject.
  6. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire

    OK, yeah I get the same problem with the Enter key sometimes. I'm co-dependent with the mouse, so I don't use keys all that much. Trying to get over it isn't working very well so far...:(

    Basically, I type in the field and the search happens automatically. It will even change as new words are added. This works reliably the first time I type as long as I don't pause while typing, especially after a space. The pics I think show what I mean:

    Image 1 (Type 2 words no enter or mouse input):
    Image 2 (Type a single space after the two words and pause typing):
    Image 3 (After space and pausing, type another word):

    If I type three words in succession there is a decent chance the auto search will show listings, but beyond that it's not the usual to see anything. It's mucked up somehow and definitely annoying, but I wasn't in touch with how much that annoys me until you brought it up. It will go on my list.

    Wish I had an answer for the specific issue you are having. Maybe only Google can fix it? Or maybe someone knows...
  7. Wisewiz

    Wisewiz Apprentice's Sorcerer

    Well, this annoyance stopped as abruptly as it started. Perhaps it always does so. Perhaps that's why the many inadequately and incorrectly answered appeals several years back stopped popping up. Dunno. Maybe the "Clear all history to the beginning of time" fix worked.

    Thanks, AtlBo. Great to know you're there.
  8. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire


    Glad to hear it has gotten better for you. It's nice when things work correctly and even nicer when they continue to do so, so I guess we will see if this stays resolved.

    BTW, really like your signature. I am getting a nice lol about family and friends and their PCs. Very classy sig...:D
  9. greenee

    greenee Private E-2

    I have this and its because of Kaspersky Internet security Follow the steps below and it will work again.

    From the dashboard of your Kaspersky software, click the gear icon in the bottom left corner to go to Settings. There are several setting topics listed on the left side. Click Protection then scroll down to Anti-Banner. This is disabled by default. Turn it off and the Ads will be visible again. This changes form time to time, probably when there is an update, so bookmark this so you don't forget it. :)

    If you are using another Internet protection look into the option for that one, it may be a similar issue.

    Best Greenee
  10. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    This thread is 5+ years old. It is not a current issue.
    plodr likes this.

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