Greetings And Good Morning

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by qsmith, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. qsmith

    qsmith Private E-2

    MG's came highly recommended from a trust computer " goto guy " who's advice is often golden. He suggested joining your site and go to " forums " for answers to my questions.

    Perhaps it was too early to sign-up and sign-on AND post a greetings here before launching into specifics.

    A message informing me that I did not have permission to post a question and seemingly I couldn't email one of your guru's ( if that is the proper term? )

    This morning all seems good. I'll find out soon enough.

    So, for now I'll just say hello and to mention that I'm looking forward to learning from the PRO's

    [ is it possible that because I didn't get an email acknowledgement that I was not permitted to write anything until today? ]

    If I recall from most other help sites listing as much as possible about ones computer is desired.

    I'll supply all of that an more as soon as I figure out where I am in the process of being totally accepted here in the majorgeeks forum.

    onward and upward...

  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    A warm welcome to Major Geeks. :)

    Feel free to ask any computer related questions in the appropriate area (ie. Software, Hardware, etc). If someone can help they will respond. And yes, the more information regarding your computer and your problem, the better.
  3. qsmith

    qsmith Private E-2

    Thank you Laura.

    I think it's a software problem but I'm fairly certain that if I am wrong someone will move me or point me in the right direction.

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