greetings geeks

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by †Zachæriah†, Oct 16, 2006.

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  1. †Zachæriah†

    †Zachæriah† Private E-2

    Not sure what happened b4 but for some reason my initial account has become completely invalid, I made another account so I could post the questions I wanted to ask, if me having multiple accounts is an offense to the rules then I just want to apologize up front. I just got impatient is all, you can understand hopefully. Anyways hope to learn lots from the forum.

  2. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks (again ;) )

    There were a few technical issues recently and the database had to be restoreed to an earlier time to recover some important files, possibly you registered just before this happened and therefore your account didn't exist after the restoration.

    DOn't worry about the multiple accounts, Have a look in the members list and see if your other one is there or not, you'll probably find it isn't there!
  3. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :D
  4. †Zachæriah†

    †Zachæriah† Private E-2

    Thanks for the friendly welcome to the forum, hope to get to know you all better through my time here at the forum :)
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