GRR I have no clue what to do!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by clueless_pc_user, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. clueless_pc_user

    clueless_pc_user Private E-2

    Hello, I am not sure I am even posting in the right place but here goes.
    As you can see by my screen name i have no clue when it comes to pc's.
    But what I have managed to figure out is that my ps is infected with something... My home page keeps changing I can not do a distructive resotre( I have tried and it remanes the same as before the restore) I have tried many different spywares, antivirus, adwares nothing seems to work. Any one have any clue...

    With some of the scans i have done these are some of the findings they say to remove


    please anyone ,
    and if am not posting this in the right board please if you know where i should post it let me no thank you in advance

  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Welcome to MajorGeeks.
    First, have you quarantined those bugs with the software you are using? Once they are quarantined you can delete them from your system. Either, you will have an option that asks you to delete or you select the bug and right click, which should give you that option.
    Try that and then vist this link and follow all the steps, then post the logs they ask for in the malware forum.
  3. clueless_pc_user

    clueless_pc_user Private E-2

    i have quarantined them and deleted then as the spybot programs does for you when you hit remove program i will try the next step thank you
  4. clueless_pc_user

    clueless_pc_user Private E-2

    quick ? with the ccleaner is doest have the advanced boxes checked should i check all of them too?
  5. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    no, you don't need the advanced but make sure remove temp files is checked
  6. clueless_pc_user

    clueless_pc_user Private E-2

  7. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Actually i n Options , then advanced there is a box that says only delete temp files older then 48 hours...uncheck that one

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