Hard Drive Won't Show Up in My Computer

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by fireblitz95, May 2, 2010.

  1. fireblitz95

    fireblitz95 Private E-2

    Hello, I am having troubles getting my hard drive to be detected. It used to be detected but now it isn't.

    The hard drive model is ST3160828AS (160 GB).

    When I go to computer management, this is what I see.

    The main problem appears here. Even though my hard drive is online, the computer still does not add it to the list above, where I am able to format the drive.

    I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, but it is not a driver problem. In the properties for the drive it says that the device is working properly, although it really doesn't appear to be ...

    Here are the specs of my computer:

    Also when I went into the BIOS of my computer, I enabled the second hard drive and it still does not work. Literally, I tried all four modes (RAID Auto-Detect/ATA, RAID Auto-Detect/AHCI, RAID Only, Combination) (these may not be 100% accurate but I am almost sure that is what they said) and none of them worked with the second hard drive.

    By "worked" I mean, I went into the device manager and had the same problem.

    I am really frustrated because it was working before but now it isn't. Anyone have a fix for this? Thanks in advance!

  2. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    The drive is unallocated- have you tried right clicking, in computer management and see if the format option is available?
    Have You tried..............
    The bios setting at AHCI ?
    The bios at auto detect ?
    Tried any Right click options in computer management ?
    My brains gone to sleep, at the moment, but on my computer , I have Drive 0, and Drive 1
    The partitions are Drive 0=primary, all the rest are logical setting.
  3. fireblitz95

    fireblitz95 Private E-2

    Thank you, baklogic, you said something that made me try to right click in the big rectangle where it said Unallocated, and an option came up that said new partition. This allowed me to use my other hard drive once more.

    I hope this case helps anyone with similar issues.
  4. baklogic

    baklogic The Tinkerer

    That was what I should have said to right click , and look for- just a bit weary today -I have been doing a bit of manual work, for a freind, and got overtired- glad it's solved-

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