Hdd Raid Recovery After Disk Replace

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by baltimorebytes, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. baltimorebytes

    baltimorebytes Private E-2

    Windows 7 Pro...
    Running three SATA HDD (One is OS and two are RAID)

    Last week I had the dreaded " missing operating system" msg. Recovery didn't work, so I got a new HDD and put on my OS. I recovered some files using a SATA HDD dock. All is good, except this... I need to remake my RAID but don't want to mess up the data already on the disks (many photos and much music).

    What steps do I need to take next?
    Thank you in advance for your expertise!

  2. davismccarn

    davismccarn Specialist

    Clearly, one of the drives failed.
    Please tell me it was a RAID 1 mirror and not a RAID 0 stripe.
    Have you tried both drives in the SATA dock?
  3. baltimorebytes

    baltimorebytes Private E-2

    I had three drives. One had the OS and the other two were RAID. The OS drive failed so I replaced it. OS operates fine now. The RAID drives are running now but my machine sees them now like the image I posted.

    I have not pulled either of the RAID drives into the dock to look at them yet. I simply want the RAID to be seen and work again if possible.

    IF not. I'll back-up and re-RAID. I'm trying to avoid that if possible.
  4. davismccarn

    davismccarn Specialist

    You have two issues; the RAID configuration was stored on the old O/S drive and, for any one of a hundred possible reasons, was not picked up by the new Windows. The other is that the ownership and permissions are also tied to the old O/S' SID's. When I had a similar thing happen several years ago, I wound up redoing the drive to fix the permissions problems.

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