hello, a real challenge here

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by budman1404, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. budman1404

    budman1404 Private E-2

    My problem (and I as well) will be a challenge. I did not think I was completely `puter challenged but after reading (or trying to) some posts here I have no idea what most of them are about. My computer problem is; the taskbar is gone , I know not where, cannot find it, the only way I can get a window up is by bringing the task manager up and starting a new task and then browse to find something on my missing desktop. Please don`t send my post to a place I cannot find it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to apply the KISS princple to any advice to me. Thanks, Budman.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Try this to see if it can be accessed as it may just be minimized at the bottom of the screen

    press CTRL + ESC at the same time and does it show?

    Also which windows version are you using?

    How long has this been happening and was it after you installed something new in beinf software or a driver? if so what?

    Have you scanned for malware ( virii and spyware ) and was anything found?
  3. SummerinFlorida

    SummerinFlorida Private E-2

    I'm going to try and remember CTRL plus ESC if I lose my taskbar. I'm pretty sure that it happened when I went to Windows Media Player 11. I didn't know what to do. I was lucky that it came back after I rebooted. :wave
  4. Red SKull

    Red SKull Private E-2

    pull up task manager and go to new task. Try this task explorer.exe that will bring up the desktop items. if it does not work let me know.
  5. budman1404

    budman1404 Private E-2

    We are running XP. The ctrl esc didn`t work but the task magr. and explorer exe. made it "flash" at the bottom of the window and then went away. Sorry I`ve not been attentive to my problem, I`m "on call" and was called out. Thanks for the response though. What should I do now?
  6. budman1404

    budman1404 Private E-2

    Ooops I forgot, we did get our daughter an I-pod from Santy and they ( evil wife and child) downloaded all sorts of stuff.
  7. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcometo MGs :)
  8. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    OK next quick test is to boot into Safe Mode, on reboot tab the F8 key until you get a menu listing show and choose Safe Mode with Networking and do you have taskbar?

    If their has been much downloading on the PC from non-safe sources then its possible you have multiple malware infections with will need you to run through a guide we have in the malware part of the forum, but before that just see what safe mode shows.
  9. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)
  10. budman1404

    budman1404 Private E-2

    explorer exe. will make the taskbar "flash' for a half second, also in safe mode but it will not stay there, I really miss the start button..........

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