Hello again

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by chipper_atmacneil, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    Hi all,

    I've been away a bit of a while so I thought I should post here first. It feels good to have come back, I have missed MajorGeeks and being in touch. Work's been a difficult transition as my hours have changed and I have less time for everything.

    I'm tired a lot, but I'm working to regain productivity. I've mentioned before that I enjoy short stories, well, I also enjoy inventing stories, fictional plots, and characters. I'm making progress on this creative aspect of my personality, and it's been fun. I've finished a second draft of a short mystery in a fantasy setting. My interest in it is that I want to avoid the whodunit formula, rather my goal is that the finished product will be a literary puzzle that asks, what happened? While I do want to present a solution at the end, the formula I'm after will provide enough clues to figure out what is going on before the explanation is offered. For this genre, mystery deals in secrets, which are more relevant than antagonists. In fact, we usually can gather who the villain(s) are before we know what is happening. For instances of the genre I'm talking about, see Arthur Machen's The White People, M.R. James's short story Two Doctors, and H.P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.

    It's good to be here again. Thank you for your time.

    Chipper :)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2007
  2. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek


  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    welcome back chipper:major
  4. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    Good to be back, guys. :)
  5. Grumbles

    Grumbles Bamboozled Geek

    Welcome back Chipper :wave

    How about a sample of your short stories? :)

  6. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    A sample, huh? ;) Well it just so happens I have two stories completed in draft, although they both need quite a bit of tweaking. :eek: Which is hard to do because they're like my babies, but that's the only way to get better. Anyway, the two selections I have ready are from The Death Mask and The Curse of the Tartan. Both are design names, the actual names will be finalized when the stories are finished and ready to see a publisher. They're both supernatural detective stories with a puzzle-box goal as opposed to a whodunit goal. The Death Mask is intentionally a Cthulhu Mythos tale, while The Curse of the Tartan is a story I'm writing entirely on my own mythological terms. By the way, I consider myself as more of a Derlethian thinker than a Lovecraftian when it comes to the Mythos, but that's more of a matter of spirit than convention. I don't use the Elder Gods, except as a term synonymous with the Old Ones, when I need a patron for human beings I simply use 'God' in a generic sense. Anyway, I think you get the idea. :)

  7. chipper_atmacneil

    chipper_atmacneil Private First Class

    Thank you. ;)

    Chipper :)

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