hello and hotlinking

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by efibacchus, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. efibacchus

    efibacchus Private E-2

    hello all!

    i find the malware removal page and all the downloads sooooo helpful, and was wondering if it was ok to post links to that section and the tools?

    thanks- efi
  2. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

    Welcome aboard --
    MG's malware forum answers is restricted to our super knowledgeble malware/adware fighters as this is a very sensitive subject and even the best intentioned help can be confusing to a new person. Feel free to reply in any other forum once your logged in.
    Enjoy and hope to see ya around:)
  3. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

    Good morning efi and thank you so much for taking the time to inquire about our Malware removal guides!:)

    For clarification...I believe you are asking if it is ok to post links on other forums to our Malware removal guides so that others who need help can get it? Is that correct? If so, posting of a link to our guides is acceptable AND appreciated!:) The only thing we ask is that the actual content of the guides not be copied to another forum. The removal guides are ©majorgeeks.com. Hotlinking..which is essentially placing a copy of the page posted elsewhere is NOT acceptable so if you do provide a link it needs to be a link back to MajorGeeks. Once someone is linked here to our guides they will find links to any software they may need to fix their computers and can then start a thread if they need further assistance.

    Thank you for asking if linking is acceptable..that was very kind of you and we look forward to assisting anyone you may send our way!:)

    Have a great day!
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2006

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