Hello and quick question

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by toepick, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. toepick

    toepick Private E-2

    Hi everyone! Great site, awesome to read through, and I have made some changes to my computer (firewall, passive scans).

    I was infected and posted in the maleware forum after following the sticky. But after reading 'forum rules', I realize that I often use several periods in my sentences. (like.. this you know...) lol I know, bad habit, I blame my gaming forums! :p

    I don't want to prolong my response there by posting a new thread, but I am still having a few issues with my computer and have no way of knowing if it was caught by your spam filters. Should I just wait a few days? Or go ahead and re-post my logs. :-o

    And btw its not easy typing with your pinky taped to your other fingers! lol

    edit - if it shows up when I look in the forums does that mean it is okay?
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome.

    Yes, your thread is there. Don't post in it anymore. Everytime you post it gets bumped to the end of their work queue

    Don't be concerned as it goes down on the pages, they will get to you. You just have to be patient. They are very busy and Very good.


    PS...ouch on the pinky LOL
  3. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    hello toepick:wave Once you have a post in Malware, please do not post a second time, as that will put you back at the 'end of the line' again... Just wait for your turn is all. Did you read the READ AND RUN ME FIRST? A "Bump" is re-posting... Kinda like going back to the end of the line you are waiting in. They will contact you, do not worry;) Only the Malware Experts can respond to the posts in Malware, so rest assured, they haven't forgotten you. They work from oldest first. They will get to you too;)

    You can post a question in software if you like. Or, any of the other threads if you wish, and you have some questions...

    Just hang in there, OK?:)
  4. toepick

    toepick Private E-2

    awesome!! thanks :D and thanks for the warm welcome!

    I did the read me first/do me first sticky, was actually great and got me up and running again! The only thing I kinda figured out (from reading through other posts) was the link to the on-line version of one of the scanners. I was stuck in safe mode and couldn't do anything. Once that ran, and fixed a few things, I was able to get back in regular and finish. I goofed tho by posting my logs as I got them instead of all together :( But thats okay, I'm up and running now at least!
  5. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    That sounds great, toepick, now just have a look around, check out some of the other topics, and enjoy... You posted your logs, so all is well there, and they will let you know when your time comes, so check out the rest of the site... There are LOTS of stuff to learn here, for sure! ;)
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome..
  7. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    :wave and welcome to the forum!

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