Hello everyone

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by valentinesands, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. valentinesands

    valentinesands Private E-2

    Just saying hi before I take a quick look around the forum.
  2. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  3. Jason A

    Jason A Private E-2

    Hello valentinesands and welcome to MajorGeeks!

    I'm pleased to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay.

    Regards Jason :)
  4. valentinesands

    valentinesands Private E-2

    Can anyone tell me how I stop getting an email everytime someone posts on this thread???
  5. Jason A

    Jason A Private E-2

    You have two options:

    You can go to UserCP > New Subscribed Threads: > Unsubscribe from chosen thread.

    Or, go to your email box, then at the bottom of the email from MG, it will say unsubscribe from this thread, or unsubscribe from all threads.

    Regards Jason :)
  6. valentinesands

    valentinesands Private E-2

    Thank you :)
  7. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    hope you enjoy the forums.

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