Hello Everyone!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Guitar7, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. Guitar7

    Guitar7 Private E-2

    Hi Everyone,
    Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself here. I love computers, networks, hardware, ISP and Web Hosting, as well as anything else computer related. Use alot of the software and tools that Major Geeks offer here and enjoy it.
    Concerning my username, I am also a musician who plays guitar, bass, drums, and I sing too. Mostly contemporary Christian music, as I love The LORD Jesus Christ very much.
    John - Guitar7
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    And a very warm Welcome to Major Geeks to you.
    Enjoy your stay.
  3. bigtrucks

    bigtrucks MajorGeek

    And a Big Welcome Guitar7
    It's great to have you aboard. Take a peek at the rest of the place. If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask. If by chance you see a question you can answer PLEASE some of us need help.:-D Computer wise that is.(watch it JOTS you're stepping on thin ice:mad:p) the only place you can't reply is in the malware forums.
    So have a look around and enjoy. The others will be by shortly to say Hi.(you beat me to this one Hrlow :-D)
  4. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    :p Happens sometimes.
  5. Guitar7

    Guitar7 Private E-2

    Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I'll try and both ask when I need help, and answer any questions that I know good answers too!
    Thank you again!
    John - Guitar7 :cool
  6. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Stick around. It gets better.
    (We're on good behavior in the Welcome Center.)
  7. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    welcome :)
  8. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG Guitar7 :wave I see hrlow2 is behaving himself today! :-D Great to have you join us... There is LOTS to learn here, and we even have FUN! ;)
  9. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  10. ShelaghRoyale

    ShelaghRoyale Sergeant

    Welcome to MG, Guitar7...this site is very helpful and friendly..enjoy ! :wave

  11. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Hello, John. Welcome to MajorGeeks :wave
    There are many people here who are the salt of the earth. Funny, articulate, intelligent, helpful etc. But enough about me......
    No, really, there are some fabulous people here, some of whom I would be very happy to know in real life (if you know what I mean?)
    You are very kind to offer to help the likes of me, whose limited computer knowledge could be written on the back of a postage stamp. :( Thank you for that.
    Enjoy your stay here and have a look around the Off Topic sections. Some interesting discussions going on over there most of the time. :major
  12. rustyjack

    rustyjack MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG, Guitar7 :wave hope you can help people in here. Like ME !!!

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