Hello everyone!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by slowpoke13, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. slowpoke13

    slowpoke13 Private E-2

    Well I'll start my story by telling you guys that the biggest threat to my pc is me ,I'm sure.I tend to be click happy and know just enough to be able to find things that I should never be allowed to open up!One of my usual expressions of wonder at why I can't get my pc to even start windows is"Maybe I shouldn't have removed that check mark out of that box,huh?!"Not such good traits(Doesn't say much for good judgement on my part either,does it?).Especially when you put them together!Well I think its time I admit that the computer is way smarter than I'll ever be and maybe I should listen to people that actually know what they are doing.Ok I've admitted it!Better late than never.Many PC's saved from meltdown at my hands hopefully! So guys I am here to learn.And I come here with a huge problem.Somebody has hijacked my entire computer network and I have really fouled it up good trying to "fix it" my way!Mental note to self.Always remember,research before action!Because since I don't like some of the reactions my actions initiate!Especially when its Mom's computer I've "fixed".So,even being the danger that I am I was able to get this machine to boot up in safe mode with networking.When it boots up normal it goes to blue start screen and then goes black with an out of range error on the screen.I believe thats just monitor adjustment,but I can't seem to get them to like each othert(Translation:I still get the same message after I try to set them.)Maybe just some kind of small thing I have overlooked?But I still have all these files on there that I didn't put on or download.I may be dangerous,but stupid I am not(thats debatable according to a certain lady who shall remain nameless to protect me from her!)Somebody hacked me and they are not an amateur.Anybody got time to help me figure it out and get control of my computer back?I am no longer administrator apparently or so this dawgone machine tells me!?It's Windows XP.Compaq pentium 4.A bit older though ,maybe 8 years.Thanks ahead of time to anyone brave enough or patient enough to bite on this hook!
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  3. slowpoke13

    slowpoke13 Private E-2

    Thanks I was just now reading the forum rules and guidelines(would have been a dandy place to start wouldn't it?)They don't call me slowpoke for nothing!Ha!I'll give that a go in the morning.Gotta go to work now!Thanks again!
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You are most welcome. Hope we can help. ;)
  5. slowpoke13

    slowpoke13 Private E-2

    Hello again.This thing won't even let me do a java update!It says the administrator has set something to prevent this.I don't think I did,but with me you never know!Any ideas?And should I start to post in malware forum now?You said I should after I run the malware removal process.I tried but didn't even get started good.I'm a newbie,so please be gentle.Thank you!
  6. gumma12

    gumma12 Private E-2

    Hello Slow Poke 13, I too am a danger to my computer, think we might be related? gumma12

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