Hello Everyone!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by LukesterWinXP7, May 16, 2014.

  1. LukesterWinXP7

    LukesterWinXP7 Private E-2

    Hello everyone, I'm Luke, just wanted to introduce myself to these forums and see if this post actually worked!

    I had just posted in the 'Software' part of the forum, with a rather huge post about my issues with my old Windows XP PC, but for some reason that new thread doesn't seem to have posted? :/ I'm not sure if it either didn't post properly, and that I should try posting it again, as I copied it all to a notepad on my laptop here, or if I should wait to see if the post appears after however much time!

    EDIT: Just tried re-posting that thread again, and forgot that it had said about the thread needing approved for posting first or something... oops!
    My bad for double-posting that same thread then in that case :-o although now it'll either be seen as spam due to that double-posting, or hopefully only one will be posted!
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and Welcome

    The post is live now in software http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=286062 likely a few links tripped our spam filter is set semi aggressive for new posters and once you get past a certain number of posts its relaxed, sadly these days forums need this sort of filtering so sorry for the inconvenience but your post is now live.

    Sadly forums like Majorgeeks get hit with so much spam you'd be amazed what we see behind the scenes, a small number of legit posts like yours due to links and weird tech text are caught up in it, we do action them as quick as possible.
  3. LukesterWinXP7

    LukesterWinXP7 Private E-2

    Hello David, thank you for the welcome, and thank you again for posting in my thread now that it has gone live on the forums! :)

    Don't worry about it, that's understandable for this and many other forums anyway, it's just a shame that so many people set out to spam forums to the point where the forum itself has to have these restrictions put in place, which ruins it for people really! :/

    I could see why links and certain words may trigger the spam filter and require the post to be approved first before being posted, so that's okay too.

    There was a forum that I used to use years ago, and at one point they had to disable new accounts from being made to prevent spam accounts or fake member/person accounts from being created too, of which you had to contact the forum by e-mail in order to have a new account made or approved!
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Thanks for the post and yes sadly we had to do the same a number of years ago and disable new signups from going live until an admin had reviewed the account, we think we have a fine balance to blocking spammers to legit users, but we do keep onto of posts that are sent for review daily.

    Thanks again and hope the forum is useful for you.

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