Hello from Australia !

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by tazza, May 4, 2008.

  1. tazza

    tazza Private E-2

    I am a new member from the land of Oz. I am not really PC literate ,in other words , a bit duuhh with it. Other than that I intend to keep my eye on the forum. I have d/loaded from Major Geeks different spyware. I have BHODemon, a-squared free,spybot,spywareblaster,AVG,advanced disc cleaner,disk Defragmenter. They are all freebies and I guess I have enough gear to fight these trojans etc.

    Have a Awesome week !
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

  3. DutchMarco

    DutchMarco Corporal

    Hello from NSW, welcome to the gang :major
  4. Maconfused

    Maconfused Private E-2

    Just traded my pc for a macbook own here in west aus, after working with imacs all day I caved in and got one - classic mac user profile I believe. Don't think i'll dual boot it yet, no need really as i bought a new usb tv for it and that was my only pc specific software that i own. Basically an adobe creative suit tool. Must aff that MG has been a pc reference/download point for some time vv nice site.
  5. Grumbles

    Grumbles Bamboozled Geek

    Welcome aboard :wave
  6. tazza

    tazza Private E-2

    Thanking you for info.

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