Hello from So Cal

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Tinania, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. Tinania

    Tinania Private E-2

    My friends call me a computer nerd. But though I may know enough to get by, I also know when to go look for help. Thankfully I found it from you all without even having to post my question!

    I'll be back frequently as I am looking at getting another Dell in the future. My current Dell is 4 (more?) years old and other than a spy/malware attack :mad: and a replaced hard drive :eek:, she's running strong. Just not strong enough for some of my games.

    Thanks for all the help you've given me, though you didn't know it. I promise not to bug you too much with all my future questions (wait for Vista or stick with XP pro?).

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome, you closet lurker (LOL) ....may you come back ofter and participate in our geekness ....we don't byte!:)
  3. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    Welcome, Come join the fun, help out what you know you can help, nobody can cover a to z. ed
  4. Cochese

    Cochese Specialist

    I'm a lurker, too. This is a great site. I am always trying new software, and like you I get most of my questions answered without asking. This forum actually helped me build my own PC.
  5. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

  6. housiemousie2

    housiemousie2 Corporal

    Hey Tinania,

    I was a lurker like you until I came up empty on searches and had to dive in. Also like you, amoung my friends, I am the alpha geek. But with me that says less about my skills and more about my friends lack of them. lol

    Anyway, glad to have you as a speaking member of the club... that way I can pick your brain! Kidding.

    Welcome aboard!

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