Hello from Your Neighbor to the North

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Barie, May 24, 2009.

  1. Barie

    Barie Private E-2

    Long time reader, first post.

    I just wanted to say hi from Toronto : )

    At first I came to do some research on a new pup. Now I come back all the time to see what is new. Thanks for building a great community.

    Mother of 4 wonderful children
    Dog-mom of 1 : )
  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Welcome fellow Canuckian.:cool Overclocking is not exactly the right place to post an intro.;):-D

    EDIT: Hmm, research on a new pup on tech site eh? There's lots of canines around here, me included, and I'm smelling a 'bot.:-D
  3. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Potentially Unwanted Program:confused

    welcome aboard :)
  4. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Ooh, perhaps I put both my size12's in there.[​IMG]:-o:-D

    Sorry if I misjudged.:)
  5. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.

    to augie
    Women all say that men are dogs and put us in the doghouse,don't they?
  6. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG, Barie :wave You will find tons here to read, and much more to learn! :-D Welcome aboard!

    hrlow2, I thought that was what a doghouse was for in the first place! :-D:-D
  7. joey off the street

    joey off the street Lounge Lizard No.1

    Welcome to MajorGeeks, Barie. :wave

    You seem to have started a war of the sexes........a war you ladies always seem to end up winning. (Against me, anyway.) :-D

    Enjoy your stay, Sara, and don't be a stranger around the forums.

    PS @ Augie. I thought we were starting an animal advice centre, too. LOL
  8. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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