Hello, I'm new

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by weavingjoy, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. weavingjoy

    weavingjoy Private E-2

    Hi everyone,

    I am new. I am having a couple of computer problems, but I don't know if I can give enough information to you so that you can help me:rolleyes: I have very limited computer knowledge. I did fix my spyware problems last year, or at least they seem fixed, by following the instructions on the majorgeeks site. I guess the first thing I should take care of is the blacboard problem. My son is taking an online class and this is orientation week and so far we have managed to get him into the blackboard/classroom or whatever, but when they had a virtual classroom chat, then it got tricky. We kept getting in and then it would freeze up everything, sometimes the whole computer, sometimes just the browser. Then it seemed to be working, and whenever someone else would join the chat, we would freeze up and have to reload everything. Maybe there is something I should have downloaded to make this work better. We have windows 98, it's a compq presario, and it says this on the outside of my tower:) Intel Pentium II processor. 512KB L2 Pipeline Burst Cache, New 50% faster 100MHz System Bus, 100MHz SyncDRAM Memory, 2x AGP 3D graphics, 4MB 100MHz SyncGraphics Memory, DVD with MPEG2, expandable and upgradable. Digital flat panel port, ethernet port for home networking and printer sharing, amazing creativity action center (?), aureal A3D 360 degree positional sound, JBL 3D virtual theater, high speed internet access, 56K* ITU V.90 Modem, cable ready modem- 10Mbps ethernet port, quick and simple internet setup wizard, easy access intrenet keyboard(which died, so we have a basic cheap keyboard now). I don't know if any of that is helpful or not.

    We usually use netscape 7.2, but sometime use internet explorer, netscape won't download things to my computer, but the other will. We have that java recommended for better prevention of spyware...sun something (I'm helpful huh:rolleyes: ) I don't know if we have the macromedia flash program, I did try to download it, but couldn't tell if it did, so it probably didn't.

    My other problem is just annoying. My computer won't talkto my printer. Somehow I can't get the old compaq printer stuff out. It did let me install our new lexmark x1100, which was great until one of the kids got ink in it trying to refill cartridges, so I got a lexmark 2300 series. It seemed like that transition should have been easy, but it wasn't, it wanted certain things uninstalled first, then trying to install the new one, there were missing drivers, now it won't install anything for that printer, and it won't uninstall what it did put in, the fax stuff, and it won't let me reinstall the x1100...(it freezes up the whole computer when I try) so I tried to use the original compaq driver disc to fix the driver, but it won't install anymore because the computer was changed to 32 bit? so I don't know what to do.

    Anyway it is nice to be here, thanks, Melissa
  2. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    Hi Welcome to Major Geeks, Dont want to make your day but, your pc is so outdated that im really impressed that you can even achieve half of what you are doing, im not saying you wont make it work but youve got your hands full, there are so many good deals going on right now that now is the time to get a new pc. ed
  3. weavingjoy

    weavingjoy Private E-2

    Yes I know it is out dated. I would love to get a new computer, I can't afford one right now though. I am a single mom with 4 children. My oldest is 19 and she just enetered college, and we are trying to figure out how to afford to get her a laptop. She has one online class too, but does a lot of her work at the library. My boys are (almost) 16 in 10th grade, 14 in 8th grade, he's the one doing the online class, he got a scolarship for it:) I am very proud. Anyway, my baby is 6 and he has special needs and is on disability. So, for now we make do. I did figure out the macromedia thing and it is installed. Maybe that will help with the virtual classroom problem. Thanks, Melissa
  4. weavingjoy

    weavingjoy Private E-2

    do you know if it would be possible and/or feasible to add more memory and update it? Melissa
  5. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Here is a thought, though not fully thought out, there are ways to get free computers ....donated from schools and businesses ....let me investigate and see if I can steer you in the right direction ....be back. Where are you located (general will do.)

    South Carolina ...ok.
  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  7. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Pretty awesome footwork, Tim.

    I have hundreds of families with kids who need assistance like this. Know of any such generosity in Oregon?
  8. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  9. weavingjoy

    weavingjoy Private E-2

    Wow, I just read your posts, thank you so much for your concern and help. I will go check out those links right now. I am in Seneca, SC if it matters. Melissa
  10. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    No Problem ...in fact you may have inspired some geeks to action ..will do some more searching and get back to you ...:) :)
  11. weavingjoy

    weavingjoy Private E-2

    The first link went to an article about an area I have never heard of, I don't think it is close to this part of the state, and it was from 1997 I think. The other one was from salem, SC, which is near here, but I couldn't find a link to talk to anyone or see if the computer program is still going on. I will have to call someone and find out. I don't know if we qualify because we actually already have a computer, old and outdated as it is, and we have internet access, dail-up, but it works. I will keep searching, and thanks again for everything.

    Do you have any idea how I can get my computer to talk to my printer again?

  12. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

  13. weavingjoy

    weavingjoy Private E-2

    Also, maybe there is a thread somewhere about laptops, but when and if we can get my daughter a laptop, what should I be looking for to make sure it is a good choice, what she will need as a college student. I know I am niave here, but what is the difference between a notebook and a laptop? Melissa
  14. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    While we are working on these other things ....post the spec.s of your computer and the problem with the printer in the software section ...hang in there.

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