Hello I'm Old

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by PCJinx, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. PCJinx

    PCJinx Private First Class

    Actually I'm not old.
    But getting there.

    Just happened to bump into this place and decided to join.
    Sorry about that. ;)

    But like that smelly relative...
    You'll learn to tolerate me. :D

    I have been messing with computers for years.
    My first was a Commodore 64C witch I got in my late teens.
    Still works believe it or not.

    Also got an Amiga A4000T that still works.
    It's a great machine for doing animated cartoons and transferring them to video.
    Witch is what it was primarily used for.

    I'm CompTIA A+ certified...
    But I know I have allot to learn.
    And this looks like a good place to.

    See ya all around. :cool:
  2. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

  3. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    I'm older than you, I started with a TRASH80, then a PET, then a C64. Still have a lot of C64/128 hardware looking for some good homes. Wouldn't mind having that PET either. Got the 2 TRASH80s, they might be valuable someday, or not.

    Welcome aboard!
  4. PCJinx

    PCJinx Private First Class

    Thanks for the welcomes everyone.[​IMG]

    Tell me more about the C64 memorabilia you got Bill...
    I'll most likely need replacements or parts sooner or later.[​IMG]
  5. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    The standard, 1541 drives, lots of brown boxes with various things wrong with them, software, junked printers...
  6. tunered

    tunered MajorGeek

    Im not old either but feel it, Welcome. ed
  7. PCJinx

    PCJinx Private First Class

    Thanks for the welcome ed. [​IMG]
  8. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Welcome, youll find a more "mature" crowd here most days ;)
  9. PCJinx

    PCJinx Private First Class

    I will???
    Awww man! [​IMG]


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