Hello, Kiddies!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Longshot3006, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. Longshot3006

    Longshot3006 Private E-2

    Remember The Cryptkeeper?
    Anyway, as if you couldn't tell this is my first post to any forum so please be patient. I've been downloading software and reading forums here at The Major's for years and I'm by no means an expert at computer security but it's a fascination of mine and if you don't mind I'd like to share some of my adventures with you from time to time. Maybe they'll help someone out of a dilemma or at least give you a giggle.
    Lately I've noticed an increase in the number of cases of those "FBI ransom" viruses showing up in forums all over the internet. I just picked up a nasty one myself, the PC'd just finish populating the desktop and the warning screen would freeze everything. It wouldn't even let me safeboot with F8.
    Luckily I had access to a working PC and I downloaded HitmanPro and made a USB flash version of it's Kickstart option. I tied booting with it but the virus wouldn't let me choose a boot option. So I booted up normally and when the warning screen popped up I plugged in the Hitman USB. That activated the AVG antivirus software and it must have overridden the virus. AVG identified two individual entries and when they were deleted the warning disappeared and the PC unlocked. As fast as I could I did complete scans with AVG, Malarebytes, Super Antispyware, Microsoft Essentials, and Spybot S&D.
    Then I discovered that I'd get a blue screen nightmare when I tried to do a safe boot with F8. I checked the repair tools section of Super Antispyware and ran the repair for the F8 safeboot key and the Universe is once again unfolding as it should.
    As I said at the beginning, I'm no expert and this is probably an easy fix for the pros but this tale might just pull someone haggis out of the fire.
    Thanks for tuning in, have an outstanding evening, and keep watching the skies!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2013

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