Hello...maybe someone can help me!!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by beautybar, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. beautybar

    beautybar Private E-2


    Wow, I feel like such and idiot right now. I need help badly. I was having a problem with my computer which I think was a worm or something. I cant be sure but it was really low on memory and having tons of problems. I think it may have come from using myspace?? I went myself to regedit and removed some exe files and lots of things that said shell. I think I really did it this time bc anything I click on my desktop or any downloads i try to do come back with errors, a small box that says acess to specific path or file denied. I cant even go to backup it shows me the same thing. I can go on the internet but thats about it. How can I restore my reg keys. Also I have comcast for my desktop and have a laptop I can get online with but I dont have service for the laptop. It has an ethernet card but how does that work with comcast do I have to add something else?? PLEASE HELP ME!!
  2. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    First of all, welcome to MajorGeeks :)

    It seems your pc is extremely messed up, however post your questions in the right forums so they can be better answered.

    For malware related issues (worms, viruses, spyware, etc.) post in the Malware forum.
    For hardware issues (memory) post in the hardware forum.
    For software issues ( registry, pc errors) post in Software.
    For internet issues post in the Networking forums.

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