Hello New!

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Rebecca J., Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Rebecca J.

    Rebecca J. Private E-2

    Hi All,

    Just been looking for a website/forum that would help me with similar subjects. Going back to school to become something in the lines of computers, but need to know what would be the best field at this time to go into.

    Just to add:

    Wife and mother to three. Enjoy blogging, message boards, learning computers and much more.
  2. runningcart

    runningcart Corporal

    hi :) and welcome to MajorGeeks

    I hope you find what you are looking for :)
  3. BILLMCC66

    BILLMCC66 Bionic Belgian

    Hi Rebecca welcome to the forums.
    Here you will find something for everyone interested in computers and if you give some details of where you want to go with PCs (repair/programming etc) i am sure there will be plenty of willing helpers.
  4. Rebecca J.

    Rebecca J. Private E-2

    General knowledge of computers (its been awhile and I know it changes so fast.)
    Techie stuff
    Web Design
    Building my own
    Programming ~ I have alot of background with this and web design.
    A little of everything so that I have options after I graduate.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  5. TeeCee

    TeeCee MajorGeek

    Welcome to MG, Rebecca J.:wave Glad you could join us, and I am sure you will find plenty here to read and learn. Plus, you can enjoy yourself while learning, too! ;)
  6. lego126

    lego126 DJ's Geeky Dad

  7. Rebecca J.

    Rebecca J. Private E-2

    Thanks for the welcomes. Just taking a look around right now.

    Where do I ask about buying a laptop? (the best)
  8. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Getting ready to start a debate?
    Everybody has a different idea of "best".
  9. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    Try posting in the hardware forum Rebecca. Welcome to MajorGeeks :)
  10. Rebecca J.

    Rebecca J. Private E-2

    Thank you!

    I am not one to start debates, I like a clean discussion. :wave
  11. lego126

    lego126 DJ's Geeky Dad

    This prob not the right place to mention it, but Kestrel, for some reason, I've always pictured your avatar looking like the cover of an old nintendo game my dad bought for me on my ....9th BD I think. 20 some odd years ago. The game was called Kabuki- Quantum Fighter. I know this totally off the wall, but for the last few years I've always thought this. Here a link to what your Avatar should be. (shrug) ;)
    No offense or anything, something just reminds me of this game when i see your name.
  12. Kestrel13!

    Kestrel13! Super Malware Fighter - Major Dilemma Staff Member

    I think I got me a new avatar to use soon :-D Thanks

  13. lego126

    lego126 DJ's Geeky Dad

    I forget what your last one was, or the one before that, but maybe in the game, the chars name was kestrel or something. ;)

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