Hello, Thank You, and A Few Qs

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Cmdr Chill, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. Cmdr Chill

    Cmdr Chill Private First Class

    Hi to all, I just want to say sincerely, thank you! I enjoy being here so much.
    I have felt welcome from the very start. The courtesy with which I have been treated deserves the highest praise. Many times, I have been treated like I was stupid by those I have come to for help. The service provided here so freely is very valuable to me and my family. Is there anything I can do to help or be in some way a productive member? My tech knowledge is very limited but I'm a quick study. I have some questions also, Where did the money on my profile come from? What is a bump? After a question is answered are you supposed to unsubscribe to the thread the Q was in? Should one ask a question directly to a member? How does one become a "buddy"? What do you think of Binary revolution? I am sorry for this but I do not want to become obnoxious by proceeding without knowing the rules. I promise not to ask any more questions without searching the FAQs or researching a bit on the WWW.
    Finally, Thanks to those who put this site together. If I ever build a site I will surely use the same moral compass that was used here. Oh.... one more Q, which is longer an epoch or an age?;)
    truely, Cmdr Chill
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2007
  2. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    The money is used for the casino, the button is right above in the middle. It's a time waster.

    "Bump' is used to bring your thread back to the front when an answer hasn't been gotten. I wait at least a day and not more than twice as then probably no one know.

    No idea on the rest.

    BTW, I know those sites that you're talking about, just a bunch of kids who think they were born with a keyboard in their mouths.:mad The basic rule is respect of which you have plenty of. You'll get used to how things work here and on other similar sites.;)
  3. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    unsubscribing :
    its up to you, but there is always a chance that someone else will have something to add to the thread at a later date. Also if you stay subscribed it may be easier to find the thread again if you need it.

    asking a question directly to a member :
    I would say not. If you start a thread and are only requesting help from one member you are limiting the amount of answers that you may receive.
    If you directly PM a particular member for help, then you are stopping others from learning as the info will not be in a thread in the forums where it belongs.

    buddy :
    be courteous to other members and they may make you their buddy.
    To add someone to your buddy list - click on their name and you will be taken to their profile page, you will see a link to 'Add ****** to your buddy list'

  4. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks.com , Cmdr Chill :)

    Good to have you aboard. Best thing you can do to help is just note a few basic helpful things. One is that this is a family forum so we try to keep it free of offending language, comments and pictures to everyone, especially the little ones. Also if you see a post that is blatant spam, do not answer to it. It just encourages the spammer to post more and people to read the spam more. Simply report it using the red triangle symbol in the corner of that specific post.

    To answer your questions, subsription to a thread is entirely up to you. That setting is specific to your membership and how you want your account set up. You can alter those settings by clicking on "User CP" on the toolbar in the top left of any majorgeeks.com window.

    If you have questions, it is best to post them in the appropriate forum. That way if others have the same issue as you, they too can read the answers and learn from them. You are very welcome to use the PM feature to personally message individual users though, providing they are happy to receive them.

    To use the buddy system, go to User CP and scroll down the menu bar on the left hand side to find the Buddy feature. You can add people to your buddy list. There is no feature to add yourself to other member's buddy lists - that is up to them. I guess you could PM them and ask to be added.

    Binary revolution???? Encryption rules ;)
  5. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and a warm welcome to MG's

    glad to hear you like the site so much. there are loads of realy friendly helpful and Intelligent members here who are only to willing to help if they can. have a look around the other parts of the forum like the LOUNGE and jump in anytime.:major
  6. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    All of the above.

    If you see something you can help with, jump right in. We can't be experts on everything, the more people the more likely you have had some experience with an issue someone else has a problem with that you've successfully solved.

    We have forums where we tell jokes, and others where if you happen to come across something really wicked cool you can pass it on.

    Contributions come in many forms. Keep it positive and upbeat, and if you do have something negative in your life such as death in the family, share the pain. Welcome to Major Geeks.

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