Hello to everyone.....Need help with no mic input

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Michael mvar, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. Michael mvar

    Michael mvar Private E-2

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm new here.... obviously.. :)....I'm not totally PC illiterate, but very much a beginner.

    My major problem is....... Zero input detected from any microphone.

    I am trying to set up a mic for usage on Yahoo voice messenger and sound record for sending voice emails. All attempts to record voice have failed. When using control panel/speech/microphone configure, no input registers on the "record levels" bar graph. When setting up Yahoo Voice messenger, again I get no sound input and an error stating words to the effect..."No microphone input detected".....

    I have tried two different mics..... still nothing. The sound card device is Realtec AC 97 for both playback and record. Playback is working fine. Mic input levels detected are zero and there seems to be some type of feedback causing major noise.

    I have completed all simple checks like "mute" on/off etc. Still a big fat zero.

    Any advice would be much appreciated please. I have hit a major dead end.

    Thanks in anticipation of your help! :)

  2. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Are these stereo mics? Most aren't, and the input to the computer probably is. You might try feeding something from a portible device (such as a CD player) in to see if it makes a difference.
  3. Michael mvar

    Michael mvar Private E-2

    Thank you for your welcome Bill. I'm presently trying a headset boom mic. I assume that this is only a mono mike. Thanks for the hint . I have a portable CD player... I assume it has a line output. I had never had cause to need it. Ill go check.

    Thanks again,

    Michael mvar
  4. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Wesa aimsa tosa pleasea. I wonder if magnetic headphones would act like stereo microphones...

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