Hello, too bad I have to say it under these circumstances.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by ArtWyrm, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. ArtWyrm

    ArtWyrm Private E-2

    Just wanted to introduce myself before I dumped my problems on everyone. Thanks for having me on the site.

    Anyways, having computer problems have always made me feel somewhat inferior in today's electronically fueled society. Which is bad, because I am currently in an art school and I know quite a bit about certain kinds of software, for instance, the Adobe products. Most of my school life consists of me sitting in front of the computer painting some crudely drawn abomination and making it into something a bit more pleasing. Much to my dismay, my computer just recently decided to stop running all of my virus programs. I can't say that it is inefficiently running but there is a big problem. I know it. I followed the steps in the "READ & RUN ME FIRST" post, but once I get to the part where you must install SUPERAntiSpyware, nothing. I already had MalwareBytes in my system and that is similarly inactive. I guess I should post this in another thread, huh?

    Well, thanks again.
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks.
    Seems like you should post in the Malware forum as they handle things like that.
    Could try booting into Safe Mode and try downloadind SuperAntiSpyware from there and scanning first. Seems to work better while in Safe Mode.
  3. ArtWyrm

    ArtWyrm Private E-2

    Thanks hrlow2. I did have it in safe mode, though. I also have Spybot, which is currently inactive due to this problem, so I couldn't even do the "tea" step. Thanks a lot for your help, I will post this in the malware section for sure.
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
    Just run the scans you can and post the logs for those:)
  5. KathyM

    KathyM Master Sergeant

    Welcome and good luck!! Everyone on MG's are always so helpful!! You will get some great help to fix your probs.....:wave

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